Sunday, January 5, 2014

Why Acne Cream Treatments Don't Work

Acne Creams don't necessarily help out with acne. You will know this when you try out your first acne cream treatment - if you temporarily saw improvements, but after a month or two your acne returned back to its horrible state, unfortunately acne creams won't help treat your acne. You can try all the acne creams currently available on the acne market - none of them will help if the first one didn't.

Acne cream treatments are all generally the exact same thing. They consist of a face wash, which cleans out pores, but dries out the skin in the process. The next step is the exfoliant, which unclogs pores, and keeps the debris off your face. The last step is the benzyl peroxide treatment, which kills off the bacteria, which causes inflammation in acne. You can switch creams again and again, but the truth is, they're all the exact same thing, and it won't do a thing for your acne.

Certain acne creams dry out the skin, causing the skin to overproduce sebum, leading to acne breakouts. It's important to keep your skin moisturized, as you don't want this response from your skin of producing too much sebum. Creams overtime damage the skin, since they are unnatural; you are placing foreign chemicals that don't belong on your face.

The leading ingredient for acne creams is benzyl peroxide. Benzyl peroxide damages the skin with prolonged use, and it becomes ineffective in the treatment of acne after one to two months. Once benzyl peroxide becomes ineffective, your acne will come right back. I see this time after time. Friends and family members assume their acne has been treated when they start using benzyl peroxide, but the acne comes back. They go and use higher concentrations of benzyl peroxide, which leads to decent results once again, but after another month, their acne gets worse once more.

So, if acne creams don't work, what alternatives are there? Dermatologists have quite a few brands of pills to help control acne, but so far, none of them have led to positive results. The only treatment that has worked that doctors prescribe is Accutane, but this treatment is very risky and can only be performed on those with severe acne.

There is also an alternative to acne creams that is a recent invention: blue light therapy. Shining blue light at 415nm wavelength provides an uninhabitable environment for those annoying acne-causing bacteria. These bacteria over time die out, leaving your skin acne free.

Blue light penetrates the skin much more effectively than acne creams do. Acne creams can only kill off the bacteria on the surface of your skin, but blue light directly attacks the source of bacteria in acne. Within one week, 99.9% of the bacteria will be gone when using blue light therapy. Acne creams don't even compare to this percentage - they hardly kill off 10% of the acne infecting bacteria.

Bacteria doesn't cause acne, but rather it causes inflammation in acne. By killing off these bacteria, there is no inflammation in your acne, only clogged pores. Your pimples will no longer turn gigantic or red, and it takes one to two days for your acne to go away. To stop clogged pores, you just need a good face wash (that doesn't dry out the skin) and a good exfoliant, and you'll be free of acne.

Blue light therapy requires two to three months to see the full effects of the treatment. This is no miracle treatment, as it requires dedicated use every single day. Breakouts will come and go, and soon, your acne will altogether stop forming. Blue light therapy has proven to be more effective than acne creams, and most people who had no success with acne creams end up having success with blue light therapy.

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