Sunday, January 5, 2014

How to Get Rid of Acne?

Getting rid of that pesky acne problem

Easily, the most common question regarding acne is "how can I get rid of acne?" Acne vulgaris, unfortunately, is not a fly-by-night affliction that is bound to disappear as with a cold. Acne requires vigilant treatment to be gotten rid of and prevented. Once the pimples are gone, the potential for them to return remains, so acne treatment requires a real commitment. Topical treatments have improved over the years to be wonderful at preventing acne, but a great deal of care by the acne sufferer is of great importance. It is important to realize that permanently getting rid of acne is by and large an impossible goal. Getting rid of acne forever is a difficult, but attainable good. Good skin care will not only prevent acne outbreaks, but promote healthy-looking skin.

Mild Acne Treatments

Acne has many degrees of intensity. At the lowest degree, there are many ways to get rid of acne. Cleanliness and hygiene are the most important remedies. Gentle cleansing with a mild soap will open pores and reduce the risk of acne inflammation. If acne is not so severe, use of a back-brush and washcloth in the shower will prevent pores from being clogged in the long-term, preventing areas of skin from becoming prone to outbreak. This will also keep your skin feeling smooth and clean. A doctor can produce this procedure for you as well, removing whiteheads and blackheads with a metal implement. If you can get over the potential embarrassment this might cause, this is an excellent start toward the prevention of acne.

Drug-store remedies include the application of benzoyl peroxide (this is the active ingredient in Clearasil, but is commonly found in pure form) or salicylic acid (also in Clearasil, or Stridex). These are both caustic remedies, so use should be moderate.


Applying a specific diet as a remedy to get rid of acne is also highly recommended, no matter how severe the degree of acne. Unfortunately, your mom was right. Yes, all that chocolate is indeed likely to invite acne into your life, but it's the sugar in chocolate that is the culprit, not the chocolate itself. Who could hate chocolate? However, this means most junk foods can aggravate acne. But hey, if you can get rid of a few pounds and stave off acne, what could be greater? Fruits and vegetables are safe foods to enjoy. Nuts have been known to increase acne breakouts, including derivatives such as peanut butter. Dairy ingestion should be reduced as well. Essentially, avoid any "fun" foods and you should be just fine! There are some foods that actually help to fight acne. Fish (salmon, halibut, basically any fish) contain omega 3 oils which improve skin health. If you are however averse to eating fish, fish oil pills can make a difference in their stead. Just be prepared for a short bout of fish breath afterward. As with any diet regimen, it is recommended to drink plenty of water, 4 to 8 glasses a day.

Using diet and soap as acne remedies are excellent ways to get rid of acne without medicines. Using natural remedies of acne treatment is highly recommended, as these ways are actually the most effective tips at getting rid of acne, as they are long-term solutions.

Moderate Acne Treatments

In the case of moderate to severe acne, it is vitally important to consult a doctor. At this stage, acne medications come with greater risks, and dosage is important to regulate. In moderate stages, a doctor will give you lifestyle tips for getting rid of acting, including all the remedies mentioned above. Additionally, your doctor may prescribe topical medicines known as "retinoids," Retin-A being the most commonly prescribed of these. Retinoids essentially work by increasing skin-cell turnover, so that your body is constantly creating new skin and "healing."

Severe Acne Treatments

For mild to moderate cases of acne, these remedies are highly recommended. These are, in fact, lifestyle changes, a revelation not lost on acne sufferers. Of course, we all seek to get rid of acne permanently. The fact is, while there are methods of getting rid of acne on a level that might be considered "permanent," the risks are numerous, and very dangerous. One of the most effective, yet dangerous drugs on the market is Accutane, a form of isotretinoin. If you ask your doctor, "How can I get rid of acne permanently," this is the treatment they will mention, and not without reason: Accutane works. Isotretinoin actually shrinks oil glands, where acne often originates. This is not without other effects though, so isotretinoin treatment is only recommended for those with severe acne, usually involving cystic acne (solid red, painful lumps which are more likely to leave scars). Accutane can result in major mood changes, including severe depression, including thoughts of suicide. Serious birth defects can occur as a result of isotretinoin treatment, so pregnancy is to be avoided entirely. Other side effects, in the initial stage of treatment, can include severely dry skin, sensitivity to the sun, chapped lips, and dryness all about the face. This writer in particular had the unfortunate distinction of having his face essentially fall apart during the early stages of acne treatment, while a freshman in high school. This was, of course, not the best of timing. However, the treatment does indeed work.

If you have been diligent in treatment, it is likely that your acne will subside. Scarring may result, and while scars and marks may not be as immediately difficult to handle as acne, they are nonetheless uncomfortable remnants of their causes. The best way to get rid of acne marks is probably by collagen injection. Collagen injection will not necessarily "remove" acne scars, but will hide them. Retinoids, such as those used to treat moderate acne, can also reduce scarring, as they promote the rebuilding of skin cells.

Other methods include dermabrasion, chemabrasion, microdermasion, or laser resurfacing. If scarring is not widespread, it is perhaps best to avoid spending exorbitant amounts of money on this sort of thing. Simply maintain treatment of your skin as if you were still trying to get rid of acne, and your skin will be all the healthier for it.

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