Sunday, January 5, 2014

Acne Myths And Facts

Hello! my dear friends.

Here, through this information on acne myths, I will show you the real picture of what acne is and what not. All your misconceptions and myths about its causes will be removed forever. Acne is not that dangerous as it has been made by most of the so-called acne guides online.

So, without wasting much of your precious time, here goes the main thing:

After all what is acne in the real sense?

Acne is a skin problem that gets aggravated with the clogging up of oil and dead skin cells. Acne has several other names, mainly, acne vulgaris, and the other ones are blackheads, pimples, whiteheads, or zits. In clear words, acne is the aggravated form of pimples or we can say, red spots. Some people suffering from acne have been found with these red spots all over their face, chest and back. And these really cause pain like hell.

When you discover your first ever pimple or zit, you get really haywire, asking your near and dear ones what to do with it. But one wrong piece of advice can completely play havoc to your whole life. So, before you play with your looks by squeezing them in certain dangerous ways, let me stop you from doing it. Here are some of the most common acne myths and the real facts for you!

1. Washing your face

MYTH: You can get rid of acne simply by washing your face frequently.

FACT: You should not wash your face for more than twice a day if you have acne or even if you have an oily skin. As this will make your skin completely dry thereby disturbing your oil glands to work harder. Indeed, repeated washing or over washing can irritate your skin pores thereby causing clogged pores. So, the best way out is to wash your face in very gentle manner and with bare hands and not more than twice.

2. Chocolate consumption

MYTH: Chocolate and oily foods are the major causes of acne.

FACT: Nobody has ever been able to prove that chocolate and oily foods cause acne. But yes, as we all know that excess of everything is bad for us, so these foods also be consumed within certain limits as they are high in fats and not so nutritious.

Hence, the relationship between chocolate and acne holds no such importance.

3. Poor hygiene

MYTH: Poor hygiene can cause acne on your face.

FACT: No my friend, thats not true at all. Hygiene has nothing to do with your acne exactly. Yes, it can aggravate the condition if you are already a victim of it. As acne is not the outcome of dirt on your skin. Also roughly handling your skin while washing your skin can make the conditions worse for you.

The best way to clean your face is to wash it twice daily and with a gentle soap. After that pat it dry before you apply any prescribed anti-acne medication.

4. Sun exposure

MYTH: You will get rid of your acne by sitting under the sun or under a sunlamp.

FACT: I would like to comment here profusely:

Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

This we have heard for so many times but we do not get affected so easily by the good things. This is the human tendency. But i would love to add to your knowledge that over-exposure to the sun is so dangerous for your skin that it can cause with skin cancer and also premature aging, which will never want to experience.

Yes, sunlight is beneficial for us in certain ways like it is a source of vitamin D, which is quite good for your skin. But here is a caution: If presently you are using anything like Benzoyl Peroxide, then you are strongly recommended to be alert while facing the sun and protect your skin by wearing a high SPF sun screen.

The so-called healing effect of sun on your acne skin is very temporary, and that also a big illusion. Actually what happens is when you sit under the sun, your skin starts getting red in color or a certain skin tanning is caused. And you start thinking that your acne is cured now, but honey, its not so simple. It just merges your complexion with your acne marks. Indeed, a sunburn is nothing more than a mere skin damage. Your skin gets irritated when exposed to sun thereby making your acne worse. People will often notice their skin breaking out as it heals from sun damage. Sun exposure will ditch you by curing your acne initially, but biting you back with uncontrollable acne in the future.

Its not that the sun rays are good for nothing. It is true that sun exposure is highly beneficial as it is the richest source of vitamin D, but this exposure is beneficial only if it is within limits. For acne sufferers it is highly recommended to stay from sun exposure as much as possible.

5. Self-medication

MYTH: The more the medicine, the lesser the acne you get.

FACT: You might be quite aware of the fact that medicines are not free from their side-effects. So, to get the benefits and to avoid the side-effects of the same medicine, the consumption should be in limits. Thinking that taking the medicine for double times will get you rid of acne in half of the time is a mere illusion and nothing else. This can make your skin more dry and cause skin irritation. Always be sure that you follow the directions of the medicine carefully.

And if you want to avoid taking over-the-counter medications, then you can visit a well experienced doctor or a dermatologist for better treatments. And if you feel that your acne case is not so serious as to get a treatment, then you can try these simple home remedies for acne. These are not only effective, but have been proven and tested for so many times by the acne sufferers.

Now, at the end I would like to say that almost all the kids, teens and adults, have to face such a hell-like acne at some point of time - but to your amusement, with the right knowledge about the acne myths and facts, you can get that ever so craved clean and clear skin and flaunt it!

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