Sunday, January 5, 2014

Acne Medication - Does Acne Skin Care Products Work?

Acne is a common inflammatory skin disease that involves pimples, primarily on face. Acne specifically occurs in teenagers and young adults sometimes causing them embarrassment, even psychological stress as well. Poor diet, stressful life, and hormonal changes are a few reasons for acne breakout. Also, incorrect use of beauty products or using poor quality acne skin care products can aggravate acne.

You can try using some natural or home remedies for mild acne, if it is initial stage and you see an occasional whitehead or a blackhead. However, if your acne is moderate, you should see a dermatologist and seek proper acne medication, before it gets severe. A doctor generally refers a few acne creams, and guides you on using acne skin care products. A variety of acne products are available at medical stores. Some of these are good to cure acne, and while others help you prevent acne.

There are many OTC medicines that people take for acne. This may be a good option for initial stage but if your acne is getting worse, seek proper acne medication. The dermatologist examines the symptoms and gives you prescribed medicine for effective treatment and cure. Apart from treatment, you should change your diet plan and avoid foods that can cause acne or that slow the recovery process.

Most often, the acne products contain benzoyl peroxide and some antibiotics. These help the affected area to dry out, and take care of acne scar as well. Many acne creams and lotions that you use for treatment contain vitamin A. However, you may feel some irritation or itching on your skin when you begin the treatment. Use a good quality skin moisturizer for in such cases. In case of severe acne, you may also require to take oral acne medication. Many prescribed medicines eliminate the reasons that can cause acne. Generally, these help you fighting against the bacterial infection that leads to acne.

Sometimes, a medicine has its side effects as well. Discuss with your doctor, if you notice any rashes on skin, or some stomach problem, and seek any alternative medicine, or some medicine to counter the side effects of acne medication. Research has shown that a few acne medicines may cause malformation of the teeth; and a few others can cause changes in the color of the skin. Your skin may get dark, or lighter than its normal color.

A few other common side effects are as below.

o Your hair may lose their natural color, and may turn white.

o You may notice skin allergy.

o There may be blisters or some swelling over affected areas on skin.

o In some cases, you may also see burning or redness of skin.

Some doctors recommend that you should not take calcium supplements, or any laxatives while you are taking acne medications. Select your acne skin care products carefully, and if possible, use only those products that are prescribed or recommended by your doctor.

Washing your face is the most important factor that contributes to early recovery. Wash your face to revoke any oils or dirt from your face and do not apply any make up or cream while going to bed. It enables your skin to breathe which is very important for a healthy and fresh skin. Do not touch, prick or pierce your pimples as it may leave permanent scars on the skin. Let them heal naturally or though acne medications, and the scars will automatically disappear over a period of time.

Sometimes, a few medicines are not recommended for special cases such as for a pregnant women and patients of Hansen's disease. Also, the patients of asthma, hay fever or those who have a weak liver are also advised against using some particular acne products. In such situations, discuss all the symptoms with your dermatologist, along with any medication that you are already taking. You may require some different acne creams or medication in such cases.

While purchasing acne products, read the instructions carefully. See the manufacturing and expiry dates of products, and read how to use those. There may be instructions that require that you should not expose your skin to sunlight after applying a specific acne cream. Following the instructions properly will help quick acne treatment and cure.

Apart from traditional acne medications, you can control acne using herbal products as well. The advantage with using herbal products is that these do not cause any side effects, though sometimes, the recovery process is slow. Even if you are taking traditional medicines, you can take herbal and natural treatment for acne, simultaneously. However, consult with your doctor before using a herbal product since it may hinder the effectiveness of prescribed medicines. Also, take required precautions in your diet and lead a positive and stress free life style.

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