Sunday, January 5, 2014

How to Stop Acne

If you want to learn how to stop acne you will need a basic understanding of the cause of acne and pimples, how acne and zits spread and then we can tackle the job of stopping acne. The goal is to understand the cause of acne and to gain some tips to create acne free skin.

Most people will get acne sometime in their lives and many get it in adolescence, when their body is going through hormonal changes. Knowing that, it makes sense to be proactive during those years and take steps to prevent acne from developing in the first place

How severe an acne outbreak becomes is often determined by the precautions taken and the initial steps taken once an outbreak occurs.

Removing the Cause of Acne Is the Best Treatment

Keeping the skin clean with frequent washings, especially the face and areas that are prone to develop acne is a great place to start. The goal here is to remove excess oil from the skin which tends to block the pores. By avoiding oily cosmetics and hair gels you are not adding to the problem by increasing the oils on the skin.

Once an outbreak starts mild skin cleaners should be used so as to not irritate the skin and make the affected skin area more pronounced. Scrubbing the skin area should also be avoided since this just increases the irritation and can spread the acne. Alcohol swabs or ones containing benzoyl peroxide have been found to be effective at removing excess oil and to aid in fighting acne outbreaks.

In healthy skin, the pore is open and the oil comes out on the skin surface. In skin affected by acne, the opening of the pore gets blocked with dead skin cells. This keeps the oil inside the hair follicle. By using a regiment of daily hygiene you can greatly diminish the opportunity for acne to form.
In many cases of acne, topical treatments can be beneficial in drying out the excess skin oil and eliminating the surface pimples. Topical antibiotics work by killing the bacteria that is growing in the blocked skin pore. Generally the product is used twice a day on the infected area. The use of a topical treatment not only works to eliminate the bacteria on the skin but also helps retard the growth and spread of new bacteria and in turn the spread of acne.

Acne usually appears as pimples, whiteheads or blackheads. Some of these pimples often look ready to be squeezed or popped but that could spread the infection to other areas of the skin or force it deeper into the skin. The best acne treatment starts with a defense against acne by maintaining a simple but effective cleansing of the affected areas using a simple daily cleaning program to control the secretion of the oil and eliminate dead cells.

Stopping acne, pimples and zits is an ongoing process; the above steps will help you create acne free skin quickly. Once you understand what causes acne and how it can spread you are much better equipped to stop acne.

However, if none of these solutions have worked after a period of 6-8 weeks, you should make a trip to the doctors for farther advice about getting rid of acne and avoiding the risk of acne scars. The doctor will be able to assess the acne that you have and might refer you to a dermatologist or prescribe a specific medication that will help.

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