Sunday, January 5, 2014

Acne Products & Treatments - Do They Really Stop Acne? What Is The Solution Then?

Benzoyl peroxide is a common acne treatment. It is an exfoliant and therefore claims to help to remove dead skin cells from the skin's surface.

Tetracycline is an anti-biotic and is the most popular conventional treatment for acne. It may be used alone or in combination with benzoyl peroxide.

Sometimes, Other antibiotics may also be prescribed by doctors if tetracycline is not effective. These include: trimetoprim-sulfamethoxazole, minocycline, doxycycline, and erythromycin.

Antibiotics kill the good bacteria in your bowel and can cause your teeth to turn gray. Prescription drugs should only be used as a last resort. A single prescription of antibiotics can severely hinder your immune system. And painkillers, like Tylenol, may damage the liver. As healthy immune system and liver are essential in preventing acne avoid taking drugs as much as possible!

So, what about Accutane and Proactiv?

Firstly, what accutane does is it somehow alters the DNA of skin cells. This decreases the size and output of oil glands. Less sebum, less acne. It's just that nobody knows how it happens.

Despite its effectiveness Accutane is still a band aid solution to acne. It does nothing to address the root cause of acne.

Because it doesn't address the root cause it's often a temporary solution. Most people find that their acne comes back. Some remain clear few months some few years.

Since Accutane may damage the liver and the colon the long-term effects on acne may be harmful. If it damages the liver most likely you'll find that your acne comes back with a vengeance.

Accutane has a long long list of side-effects. First, the list of side effects is as long as California. The worst ones are suicide, severe depression and severe birth defects.On the other hand, only a small minority gets severe side effects. For most people it just dries your skin, chaps your lips and possibly irritates your eyes a bit.

Most people take Accutane out of desperation. All the other drugs have failed them and they turn to Accutane as the last resort.

Let me tell you a little secret:

All the drugs, medicines and other acne treatment products on the market approach the problem from the wrong end. That's why they have such a miserable track record.

Now what about Proactiv? Same Story!

Proactiv claims to be The Answer for acne that works for everybody regardless of your age, skin type or severity of your acne. Proactiv claims to be different because it prevents future breakouts before they even surface on your skin - while other products only concentrate on getting rid of existing acne. Proactiv claims it works by unclogging your skin pores and killing bacteria deep inside your skin pores. Since Proactiv does nothing to the root cause of acne it can only manage your acne.

Therefore Proactiv can only be a temporary solution. And this holds true for any topical acne product. It's not that the products would be bad. It's the fact that they approach the problem from the wrong end.

Side effects of Proactiv? Most people report that Proactiv irritates their skin. This is due to benzoyl peroxide, alcohol and other harsh chemicals in Proactiv. Especially if you have a sensitive skin, you can expect some of the following symptoms:

- Itchy Skin

- Skin goes red

- Dry and Flaky skin

Like most acne treatments Proactiv gets a mixed feedback. It seems that about 60% of the reviews are on the positive side (note: mildly positive is also positive) while the rest would advice you to stay away from Proactiv.

So Should You Use Proactic? In short - NO

First of all, Proactiv has as much chance of curing your acne as a chimp in a beauty contest. It just doesn't happen. You may get temporary result, but the root cause of acne remains and once you stop using Proactiv (or probably even before) acne will come back.

Secondly, it's expensive.

Thirdly, there much more effective and cheaper solution available.

Murad Acne Treatment:

Have you seen the late night infomercials promoting Murad acne treatment? They are so good that they almost force you to order.

Based on research and votes:

* 60% to 70% of the users say that Murad acne treatment makes their acne significantly worse

* 15% to 20% say that Murad acne treatment keeps them clear

* The rest say that Murad didn't either worsen or improve their acne

Almost everybody complained about skin itching and reddening. What is alarming is that few people reported that Murad makes their acne painful. To the point where just laying your face on a pillow hurts.

Murad acne treatment contains salicylic acid and other chemicals that dry the skin by removing oil. This irritates the skin as it dries and starts to itch and flake. After a while the skin becomes chronically dry and the body reacts by releasing hormones that cause the skin to produce more oil. This is called reactive seborrea.

Now you have a situation where the skin is producing more oil, and the pores are full of dead, dry skin cells. And you guessed it - you breakout horribly.

For some people this process may go on for months. With others body gives up quicker and the skin becomes dry, irritated and sensitive.

So Then, What is the cause of acne and are there really any Natural cures for acne?

Fortunately there is a cure....And its only through approaching the Root Cause Of Your Acne. If you want to know how to do that Click here! [] Here you have a couple of options. They are the only ones that are proven to work. Please read the reviews thoroughly before you pick the right one for your problem!

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