Sunday, January 5, 2014

10 Acne Treatment Myths

Acne is the most common skin disease in the United States. It affects nearly 20 million teens and one in every twenty adults. There is a tremendous amount of misinformation that confuses people about the real causes of acne and acne treatments. In order to clear the confusion, let us take a look at some of the most common acne myths.

1) Acne is caused by what you eat. Although some individuals notice their skin breaks out after consuming greasy foods, soda, and chocolate, these outbreaks are generally related to food allergies, not acne. Extensive studies have been conducted on acne and none have found a connection between diet and acne. Acne is caused by an overproduction of sebum (oil) and obstruction of the pores. It is not caused by food.

2) Acne is caused by poor hygiene. Acne is not caused by poor hygiene; however, it is important to keep skin pores clear of dirt to prevent bacteria from infecting the skin. Oftentimes, people who believe this myth cleanse their skin vigorously and frequently, which can make acne worse. Experts recommend gently washing the face twice a day with special oil absorbing micro-fiber facial clothes or with mild soap.

3) Popping pimples is the best way to manage acne. STOP and step away from the mirror! Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, picking or popping your pimples can lead to a nasty infection, or possibly even permanent scarring. Let them pop on their own and they will heal much faster.

4) Only teenagers get acne. People of all ages can get acne. As early as birth, infants can have mild acne on their faces. Adolescent acne usually develops when puberty begins and adult acne develops between the ages of 20 and 50. Most people eventually outgrow acne; however, in women it may last until menopause.

5) Oily skin is the main cause of pimples. Acne is not caused by oily skin. For reasons no one completely understands, follicles (or pores) sometimes become blocked with sebum (oil). The cells that line the hair follicle fail to make their way to the skin's surface, where they can be washed away. Instead these cells build up, mix with sebum and bacteria, and form a plug. Acne originates from the faulty hair follicle cells that do not get washed away, not the oil.

6) Acne is contagious. No one knows how this myth got started, but rumor has it that fathers would tell this to their daughters to keep them away from boys with acne. Apparently these fathers thought acne was caused by poor hygiene. Acne is absolutely, positively not contagious. You can not get it from anyone and you can not give it to anyone.

7) Tanning clears up acne. Tanning may darken your skin and temporarily mask the redness of acne; but it does nothing more than that. While it's beneficial to obtain 20 minutes of sunlight each day in order to obtain your vitamin D; too much sun increases your risk of developing wrinkles and even skin cancer. And, if you are thinking about tanning beds, nix that idea. There is growing concern that tanning beds increase your risk of developing skin cancer.

8) Using more medicine will heal acne faster.
Wrong! When it comes to acne medicine, adhere to the saying "less is more." Using too much medicine can lead to dry, irritated skin. It can also lead to physical problems. When you apply ointment to the skin, it is absorbed by your entire body. It's filtered through the liver and kidneys. Using too much medicine can overtax these organs and cause unpleasant and even dangerous side effects. Always follow directions when using acne treatments and never use more than the prescribed amount.

9) Cosmetics must be avoided if you have acne. This is partially true and partially false. Certain types of cosmetics have been linked to acne and include foundation, night creams, and moisturizers composed of vegetable oil and oleic acid. If you want to use cosmetics just be certain to select products that are labeled "noncomedogenic" or "nonacnegenic." Oftentimes, health food stores will carry all-natural cosmetics; some of which are specifically formulated for people with acne.

10) It is safe to stop acne medication once acne has cleared.
You should always consult with your doctor or dermatologist about discontinuing your acne treatment []. Acne flare-ups can occur if you stop taking your medication to soon, or if you change the dose. Certain medications require a "weening" period, which means the dosage should gradually be reduced. Complications can arise when quickly stopping some acne medications.

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