Sunday, January 5, 2014

Dealing With Adult Acne!

Most people have the misconception that acne occurs mainly to teens and once you're past your hormone crazy teen days you would be rid of acne as well. Then you are wondering, how is it here I am in my twenties, thirties or even forties and am still suffering from frequent acne breakouts! This in turn will lead to diminished self esteem and later even depression.

You can rest assured that you are not alone! Acne in adults is actually a common occurrence that affects at least 25% of males and 50% of adult women. Most people are then left feeling helpless by this stage and have no clue why their acne has not left them along with their teenage years? This then will lead you to seek a skin doctors advice and most adults usually end up using either a benzol peroxide treatment regime or are put on courses of anti-biotics.

This will NOT get rid of your acne and will only prolong your agony as the moment you get off these treatments, your acne will definitely be back with a vengeance. So what should you do to get rid of your adult acne? In fact Why on earth are you having acne in the first place...may be a few questions on your mind. The answer is actually very simple but it's just that people do not seem to want to accept simple treatments anymore. They are made to believe that there is some deep rooted complex problems that can only be cured by some extremely complex medications that will also burn a nice big hole in their pockets! People seem to be made to think that the more expensive the treatment the better it must be! You couldn't be further from the truth.

As complex as Acne may seem, there is a very simple explanation to the development of acne and an even simpler cure for it but it's just a matter of whether the individual is ready for a change in lifestyle or not! Period! O.K. now that I have gotten that off my chest, let me start to explain the reasons for adult acne and I'll end of with the simplest, cheapest and most effective method for every single person who wants to cure their acne will need to do. Fair? Lets begin....

If you are under the impression that acne is caused by hormone imbalance, which is why most teens experience acne, you are only partially right. Acne occurs because something in your body is out of sync. What do I mean? When anything in your body including all your organs is not performing as it should be and is out of balance, your body will try to find a way of telling you this. So if you are constantly breaking out with pimples, then its your body trying to communicate with you and tell you something is wrong internally and should be addressed and corrected.. So what is a pimple? A pimple is made up of a build up of toxins and impurities that your body is excreting.So what should you do? Listen to your body and start fixing the internal problem that causes your acne to appear in the first place; you will not only get rid of your acne you will also achieve beautiful, healthy, even toned clear skin complexion, re-balance your body and prevent future hormonal or toxic overload related conditions.

We are not born with acne. No one is. Acne is formed because there is an overload of toxins in your body and your body has to get rid of these toxins thus acne. Look at it this way, to make it easier to understand, I'll use the acne formula.

Acne happens when there is a cause and a trigger thus:


What are the causes of acne? Well as I was mentioning above,ultimately, every disease results from a breakdown within your body. All major diseases and chronic conditions are warning signs of something very fundamentally wrong inside. Cause could vary depending on the individual. They could be any of the following:

The accumulation of toxins, the hormones not in balance, high Blood sugar levels, chronic constipation...

Then there are the triggers which most of you would know about but have actually regarded as the cause instead of the trigger.A Triggers are usually factors that "trigger" your acne to form once you are suffering from any of the causes. Namely: anything from wrong feeding habits, such as irregular hours of eating, improper food, excess of starches and sugar, excess of fatty foods,use of tea, coffee, alcohol or tobacco, strenuous studies, masturbation and sedentary habits which lead to indigestion and general debility, chocolates, seafood etc. If you are an acne sufferer, you probably know exactly which triggers you a re more susceptible to already.

So now you know that Acne is formed by underlying causes within your body that are sensitive to triggers that will actually form the acne. So which do you treat? The cause or the trigger? You could do either or both but that is what you need to decide. I will lay the facts out for you. If you choose to address and eliminate the root cause of acne, that will bring your body back to a state of balance thus it will no longer be sensitive to any triggers and "voila!" No more acne! Or you could go the easy way and just stay away from the triggers. Now this method does not fix anything. As long as you don't eat or do any of the triggers, you will not get a breakout but the moment you do, you will have a massive breakout. Moreover, this may mean you have to stay away from things that you love forever! Plus in the long run, your body's imbalances could lead to more serious diseases and forms to eliminate the toxin build up etc. So there you have it. Eliminate either the cause or the effect and you eliminate acne. However, I would definitely go with eliminating the cause so I don't have to fear whether my body may develop new triggers over time and acne will be back again.

Now how do you treat the cause? This is where you will need to do the simplest form of acne treatment that I was talking about in the beginning. You need to detox your system and get it back into a state of balance. There are only 2 programs that I will recommend for the best results. If you go through this program, you will never have to worry about acne in your adult years again. You will be rid of acne and what's more, you would have actually done a huge service to your health as well. So find the best treatment below for you and go with it. You will not regret it and that is a guarantee!

To Your Success!

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