Sunday, January 5, 2014

Acne Treatment - Each Type Of Acne Needs Different Treatment!

Each of us wishes to have a smooth and clear skin. Pimples and Acne destroy this dream of smooth and clear skin. However, we start searching of remedies once we think things have gone out of hand.

Acne formation can take place on any part of the body, but the most affected parts are chest, back and unfortunately face. You should start treating acne consciously instead of starting use of over the counter products, of whose chemical composition you have no knowledge about. This is reason you should gain all those things you require to know about acne before you start treating it.

Acne should be treated as a health problem and not merely a skin problem. Acne appears in teenagers and adults as well. There are different types of acne and so there are equally different types of acne treatments.

Each one of us has a different condition; some people might have mild and moderate acne. Mild acne can also be referred to as non-inflammatory acne. This type of acne includes formation of white heads and black heads on skin, mild acne can be easily treated and removed from your daily life. For acne treatment of mild acne, all you require doing is washing your face with warm water and soap at least twice a day. Using exfoliating soap would be the best. Acne treatment for you would be using cleansers to cleanse your skin so that the pores do not get blocked and skin can breathe easy.

Moderate acne is the one which covers half of your face. Acne treatment for moderate acne can be done at home; however, it is also advisable that you take suggestions of the dermatologist so that he can stop the moderate acne changing to severe acne. Acne treatment can be a combination of treatments for moderate acne. At this stage you can prevent acne becoming severe inflammatory acne.

The doctor might advice you acne treatment in two ways, by making sure that your skin is clean and there are no blocked pores. This acne treatment involves extraction of the blockages and such therapies which will dry out or remove the oils that block the pores.

Acne treatment also might include taking some prescription drugs so that the chances of the acne recurring or becoming a severe type of acne diminish.

Severe acne or inflammatory acne means pimples are larger in size and are filled with pus. These can leave scars and are also painful in some cases. Severe acne can leave permanent scars on the skin. Therefore, it is better that you do not allow your acne to reach this level.

Acne treatment for severe acne is long and complicated. Here the dermatologist does not have to only clean you face, you also requires mending it. He might also need you to go through surgery if you want to get rid of acne scars. Initially, acne treatment for severe acne might comprise of taking some oral medicines and cleansing of skin, surgery might come in quite later when acne has been stopped totally and all that is required to be done is mending the skin.

So you can now classify acne if you have any, so that you can take action against it as soon as possible.

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