Sunday, January 5, 2014

4 Do's and 4 Don'ts in Treating Acne

Acne treatments are not always found over the counter and they do not always have to be prescribed by a doctor. The best way to treat acne is to actually treat it from within. Here are 4 Do's and 4 Don'ts in treating acne from the inside out.

The 4 Do's:

1. Do increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. These natural foods that are loaded with vitamins and minerals are the best acne fighters around. For example, green, leafy vegetables and orange or yellow-colored fruits are rich in Vitamin A. Vitamin A prevents overproduction of sebum which is what causes acne. Oranges, strawberries, broccoli, bell peppers, and lemon juice are some Vitamin C rich foods that are also great acne treatments. Eating these types of foods fortifies the body's defense system against acne-causing microbes and aids faster healing of acne. Furthermore, Vitamin C helps your body restore its sources of Vitamin E, which is essential in revitalizing the skin and repairing damaged skin.

2. Do drink lots of water. Make sure you get the recommended 8-9 glasses of water a day. Drinking lots of water not only replenishes the body's water supply, but also flushes out toxins from the body that may cause acne.

3. Do relax. Stress, worrying, and pressure can disrupt your body's natural balance and lead to health problems such as acne. Avoid acne and skin problems from happening by relaxing yourself. Getting a massage, going to the spa, taking a long bath, getting enough sleep, or simply managing your time and schedule better are considered acne treatments because they reduce acne-inducing stress.

4. Do have a good skin care routine. Nip an acne problem in the bud by establishing a daily facial washing, toning, and moisturizing regimen early on. Non-comodegenic skin care products are specially formulated for sensitive skin with acne.

Now for the 4 Don'ts:

1. Don't unnecessarily touch your face. Touching your face, especially with dirty hands and fingers, could cause and further aggravate an acne problem. This also means don't pick, squeeze, squish, or rub acne. Doing so will traumatize the skin and make the healing process a lot slower. It could also lead to unwanted acne scars and blemishes.

2. Don't consume sugary foods or sugary drinks. Stay away from cakes, cookies, chocolates, candies, sodas and anything that has refined sugar as a main ingredient. Sugar clogs pores and dries out the skin, which are two main causes of acne.

3. Don't use oil-based products. Skin with acne is already battling an overproduction of oil (sebum) so don't exacerbate the problem by using oil-based products. Watch out for typically oily products such as moisturizers, facial creams, and including hair gels. Hair often gets in the face and hair products would definitely affect the skin on the face. There are many acne treatments and products that are water-based and thus gentler and more appropriate for acne-prone skin.

4. Don't scrub or exfoliate skin with acne. Rough treatment of skin with acne will only cause skin inflammation and make the acne problem worse. Additionally, don't use harsh chemicals, soaps, or cleansers on sensitive skin with acne.

Acne treatments are not limited to creams and gels that you buy from drugstores. You can effectively treat acne just by simply taking care of your body.

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