Monday, January 6, 2014

Acne Treatments That Can Work

Although there are many acne treatments available on the market today, what might be deemed an effective acne product varies from person to person. Some of the factors involved during a search for acne treatments include a person's body chemistry, skin type and the severity of the acne. The search may be frustrating and disheartening at times, but once a person does find the right treatment, the results are well worth the effort.

Spot The Menace - What Causes Acne?

In the US alone, nearly 4 million people suffer from acne, and we're not just talking teenagers here. Acne can affect almost any age group in any part of the world, but no one really knows why. So here's an attempt to find the causes of one of the world's commonest skin afflictions.

Acne Pills - How Effective Are They In Combating Acne

For a large number of teenagers and young adults, acne is more than a skin disorder; it is a very painful condition that usually affects the social life of such individuals. With the obsession of the media on physical appearance, many teenagers and young adults get frustrated feeling that they can not be as attractive as the models, actors, and singers they see on television. This is chiefly due to the outbreak of acne pimples on their skins.

If your acne condition is termed as "mild" meaning that you only get a little amount of pimples on your face, then it seems the best treatment for you would be a topical medication which is usually referred to as an over the counter acne treatment. There are quite a number of over the counter products to choose from as they come in various forms like: creams, ointments, soaps and facial pads.

Topical medications usually contain the same active ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic aid. These ingredients work by killing bacteria on the affected areas of your skin or by peeling a very thin layer of your skin, which opens up your previously blocked hair pores. When you use such products daily, it cleanses your skin and prevents dryness. These ingredients have the after-effect of providing a thin protective layer on the surface of your skin. This helps in protecting your skin against bacterial infections, healing existing pimples, refreshing complexion, purifying pores, drying up and preventing new pimples. These ingredients are very effective in combating mild to moderate acne problem.

Most dermatologist and doctors tend to recommend the use of products that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid for combating acne. Although these products are effective in combating some forms of the skin problem, they are not enough for severe sufferers or some certain types like cystic acne.

If you're a teenager or a young adult and you're afflicted with a severe form of acne, I guessed you must have tried some creams, lotions or gels that have only slightly improved your condition. Since one of the main causes of your skin problem is due to over-active hormones, it is only logical for dermatologist and doctors to prescribe acne pills which work on the inside of the body in an attempt to correct hormonal and chemical imbalances in your body system. In case you are afflicted with Cystic acne, it is certain that you have over-active hormones, which is definitely one of the root causes of the problem.

The most common acne pills prescribed by doctors are accutane, and antibiotics like tetracycline, clindamycin, and erythromycin. Although topical forms of these antibiotics are available, a large number of doctors and dermatologist tend to prescribe the oral form. They work in killing the bacteria that contribute in the formation of pimples. But the downside of most antibiotics is that with time the bacterium on the skin develops resistance to it.

Another category of acne pills used in treatment is the hormonal treatment, which are effective in women. Cortisone, Cyproterone and drospirenone work at decreasing the excessive amount of oil produced in the hair pores.

Accutane as previously mentioned is also an acne pill that doctors prescribed in treating severe cases of acne. A large number of sufferers have found relief from their breakouts while using accutane. Accutane simply reduces the amount of oil produced by your skin. One major risk of taking accutane pills is the harmful effects it has on pregnant women and nursing mothers, which is in the form of birth defects.

So Is There Any Oral Medication For Acne Without Side Effects?

With all the following pills mentioned which seem to have one downside or the other, most sufferers would wonder if there actually were a magical pill, which could improve their condition. If you suffer from acne it would interest you to know that there are quite a number of pills in the market, which combat the root causes of your problem - which is usually due to chemical and hormonal imbalances. These acne pills contain antioxidants and herbal extracts which helps in eliminating the free radicals that are dangerous to your skin and promote infections. They also fight inflammation to reduce the redness you see on your skin and heal damaged skin.

Although using the acne pills found in the acnezine and clear-pores systems would give you improvement on your skin texture and prevent formation of new zits. However these systems take no chances by also providing an external "topical" medication, which cleanses the hair pores and fights acne-causing bacteria. In order words these systems combat the problem from the inside and the outside of your body.

If you suffer from a severe case of acne then I will certain ask you to take action by ridding your skin of pimples by using a quality skin care product that fights the problem at its roots and also on the skin. One benefits of using an internal and external treatment is that your pimples problem would be gone in the shortest possible time, as you do no have to wait long periods to begin seeing relief.

A product like the acnezine skin care system was what I used in erasing pimples off my face, it contains a moisturizing cream and a Skin Anti-Oxidant Capsule, which ensures that your skin texture improves. An excellent skin care system on the market, which is by far the number one acne system, is the clear pores system. It is capable of combating both body and facial acne. It consists of a deep cleansing facial/body wash, facial/body protection cream and an herbal supplement. This system is very effective for severe sufferers as it ensures total acne treatment. The healthy pores system is also a very good skin care product that has solved the problem of acne pimples for a large number of former sufferers.

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Adult Acne Treatments - Finding The Best For You

Your pimples are like a signboard. It is the first thing everybody sees when they look at your face. If you are like most acne sufferers the moment you pass by anything that reflects an image you tend to take a peep at your "pimples laced" face.

If you are reading this then it is only safe for me to assume that you are tired of all the annoying little pains that comes with having acne on your skin. If you suffer from acne it is most likely that your self esteem has taken some "bashing" all because you have those little monsters growing off your face.

It is only normal for everyone especially young adults like us to be concerned about the way we look, after all we all live in an age where appearance seems to be so important in umm "everything". Well not everything but a lot of things, one of which is social interaction.

Although I never really had problems with teen acne, when I was 17 years old, I started having pimples on my face but they were just one or two appearing sometimes once a week. That was not really a problem. Fast-forward to when I turned twenty and my face was like a "battle field".

How Many Times have you been disappointed with an acne product?

You must have tried some products that have cleared up some of the pimples on your face, but if you were like me you would later find out that some of those "topical" acne treatments actually lose their intensity to fight your acne problem after a while.

What do Acne sufferers display!

I am very sure that we do not need any researcher or "shrink" to tell us what those little "pimples" can do to us socially. It seems mild to severe acne sufferers usually display one of the following:

    Low self-confidence
    Feelings of inadequacy
    Refusal to socialize
    Low self-esteem

How do I know these? Well in case you forgot I just you told at age twenty my face was a "WAR ZONE". Seriously it was. People looked at my face and cringed. The pimples were just too much. Enough of my own tales, this article was meant to educate you on the best acne treatments available to you and from now I will do just that. I promise :-)

Types of Acne medications

Before we start looking for the best acne treatment to clear your up your face, you should have a basic knowledge of the types of medication available to you.

If your acne problem just began, I can guess the form of treatment you are currently using to combat the problem is a bastardized form of "natural acne treatments". Yeah you guessed right!! - Washing your face like a "quadrillion" times in a day and also picking and "popping" your pimples. Hey in case you have not figured it out that routine will not work!!!

This is not to say that natural acne treatments which ensure proper skin care are not good or do not work, but hello! washing your face more than twice a day has adverse effects on your skin and could lead to even more breakouts (pimples).

Check acne skin to see a comprehensive way of reducing your acne breakouts by achieving proper acne skin care.

Okay aside the natural stuff, medications for your breakouts could be:

    Prescription medications
    Topical medications
    Oral medications
    Laser surgery - which is in its early stages to treat both acne scars and the pimple itself.

There are so many acne sufferers who use prescription medications for their acne problem. Products like accutane, Retin-A, Differin and Tazorac are quite popular and famous because of the large number of dermatologist and doctors who prescribe them to sufferers.

You have to consult with your dermatologist before you even attempt taking those medications. Although these prescribed medications work for some individuals, they could cause birth defects for pregnant women or nursing mothers risk causing severe complications for their babies.

Topical medications are the most popular form of acne medication for a large number of us having trouble with acne. It seems the two most common ingredients in most topical medications are benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. These two ingredients in topical medications are very effective in clearing up your "pimple covered face". :-)

Using these topical medications that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, which are usually in the form of facial wash, lotion or gels thoroughly cleanses your skin pores. Products with the right amount of these active ingredients would usually prevent new pimple from forming on your skin to a certain extent, as they protect your skin surface against bacterial infections, which could have been as a result of so many factors like environmental pollution.

In case you did not know this, one of the causes of your acne problem has to do with your hormones being on overdrive. The male hormone testosterone, which is an androgen, is responsible for that.

What's my reason for saying that? Well it is because of the oral medications now used for combating acne from the inside of your body. These medications work on stabilizing the hormonal imbalance in your body. In simple words these oral medications work on solving the main cause of your acne problem and not on patching up the ugly results that is seen on your skin surface. Although you can take accutane to combat your pimple woes if prescribed by your dermatologist, it comes with side effects that could be really annoying.

A Product like the acnezine system contains oral supplements which work inside the body to rid the system of all internal factors causing your break outs.

A new technique being used by doctors to erase scars left by acne lesions is Laser surgery. This involves the use of laser beams to burn out scar tissues, which enable your skin (if you ever attempt such technique, you are on your on, I didn't tell you to do it.) to generate new, healthy tissues.

Few doctors have begun to use this technique to prevent acne from developing.

I do not know the side effects resulting from such techniques or even if there are side effects. Laser surgery is a new technique in removing acne so there is not much information available for now.

"If your acne problems have stopped and you are seeking ways to remove the scars left by the pimples, you should try Revitol's acne scar remover, which is a lot cheaper than laser surgery."

Which exactly is the best acne treatment

Okay I have been rambling about the types of medications and have not said the best acne treatments currently available to you.

Well there are a large number of useless products offering overnight cures, but that is not to say there are no credible products that are capable of ridding your skin of zits. Clear pores system seems to be the best system considering the level of combination treatment it provides which include:

    Facial/body wash
    Facial/body protection cream
    Herbal supplement

Another very wonderful product is the acnezine system, which I used to rid myself of acne. It consists of a Skin Anti-Oxidant Capsule that fight the root cause of your pimples breakouts from within and a moisturizing crème containing benzoyl peroxide (you remember that ingredient), which fights acne-causing bacteria on your skin.

A number of former acne sufferers have testified to the effectiveness of healthy pores, which is definitely among the best acne treatment available currently in the market.

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Learning To Choose The Appropriate Acne Treatment

People are fully aware that there are plenty of acne treatments that can be used in case they develop this skin problem; everyone will have an idea about a particular treatment that is likely to work wonders and magical remedies are all over the place. But they should realize that they must know the direct source for all their information; they have to know whether a particular source is reliable or not because you should not play with a health condition even when it comes to simple acne. If you have decided to get rid of acne, you have to make sure that you will undergo the proper treatment that fits your problem and skin type in order not to worsen the already installed acne. There are three types of acne that are likely to be encountered, namely the moderate, mild and severe one. Every type of acne is likely to come along with its own management because these types are likely to vary a great deal. Acne is to be regarded as a real health problem; therefore, you should consider this matter in a serious manner because acne has to be treated as being a severe condition.

Regardless of your acne type, you will have to pay a visit to your dermatologist in order to prescribe you the necessary acne treatment. The skin expert will take a close look to your skin problem in order to determine the appropriate treatment that is likely to work in your case; for instance, if you have developed a milder form of acne, you will be advised to wash the zone in a gentle manner without scratching it. Soap and warm water are to be used in order to clean the affected area and the skin expert may also advise you to introduce some pharmaceutical elements in order to take care of your acne for good. The proper skin care is to be regarded as a very important issue because you can prevent your acne condition from becoming more severe; you will also have to fully understand that improvements are likely to take their time and you should not rush into believing that the treatment has not the desired effects. On the contrary, every major change is not likely to happen overnight and you will have to be patient with your acne treatment and the way you use it on a daily basis.

The topical solutions are not likely to work miracles overnight either; gradual but steady movement and change are to be expected when using these topical solutions and you will be able to notice the improvements in time. Even some vitamins are likely to be recommended in order to improve the condition and appearance of your skin; but you have to remember that acne may actually affect almost every part of your body regardless of its location. Therefore, you should not be surprised when discovering pimples on your legs or arms. But you should not worry because acne can be treated if you take your time and ask for some professional advice. If you decide to get rid of acne, you will have to be prepared in order to follow all the instructions that come from the skin expert and you should not treat your acne by yourself. On the contrary, professional assistance is always to be searched for in order to make sure that you will get rid of acne for good without any scars.

For instance, if your face is half covered with pimples or blackheads, you may be sure that you are suffering from a moderate form of acne; therefore, a dermatologist is to be consulted in order to provide yourself with the appropriate acne treatment. You will have to handle the situation without worrying too much because this skin condition can also be treated in a successful manner. Even if acne can be a direct source of depression for the people who are suffering from this condition, every doctor will emphasize that fact that acne is treatable. The moderate acne will require a more complex treatment and this treatment may come along with combined therapies in order to make sure that the skin condition ill be cured.

The skin specialist may also prescribe an oral treatment for the acne; for instance, the oral contraceptives may be the appropriate treatment in case that you are suffering from moderate acne but you have to be fully aware that the acne scars may also become serious if you do not take care of your skin problem. The moderate stage of the acne is to be treated in a serious manner in order not to result into more severe forms of acne. Therefore, you have to treat your acne, regardless of its type, as soon as you can in order to avoid the ugly acne scars. If you are suffering from severe acne, your symptoms will be quite evident and you will know that treatment is highly required in order for the situation not to become worse. You have to avoid feeling depressed or sad about this skin condition because you must take action and not complain. Acne treatment is to be used before your acne reaches more severe levels that can be harder to cure regardless of the chosen treatment.

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Acne Skin Care Tips - To Help Reduce Your Breakouts

If you are like most acne sufferers, you might get obsessed with the whole wash your face regularly and avoid certain foods thing. Although the main cause of your acne is not due to poor hygiene or eating certain foods, in so many instances some factors tend to worsen you acne conditions, leading to more pimples (zits) on your face.

Proper acne skin care helps in reducing the amounts of breakouts on your skin. A number of skin experts and health practitioners are of the opinion that natural acne treatments are the best for reducing the intensity of acne lesions on the skin and tend to recommend the following acne skin care tips.

One factor that could worsen your acne condition is clogged pores, which results in more pimples on your face. Before you go scrubbing your face a million times a day, you should know that you have to be gentle with your face. Wash your face at most thrice a day, and you should use lukewarm water. Avoid soaps that contain chemicals and ingredients that damage your skin. Try using a mild cleanser. Remember to pad your face dry and avoid scrubbing.

I know you can't help it. But hey!!! Keep your hands by your side, stop touching, squeezing, rubbing or picking your pimples and other lesions. In case you don't know, doing that can cause severe acne scarring and more acne flare-ups. So simply put "get your hands off your face".

If your are a guy, then you should be careful how you shave. Try and find out which razor type is best for your skin. Although I used to use electric razors when I had a lot of pimples on my face, but now I use "twin blades" shaving sticks to shave. Always shave gently to avoid scrapping your acne lesions, which could result in acne scars.

There is a type of acne that is termed "cosmetic acne" which is usually more prevalent in girls. Using certain type of cosmetics can worsen your acne problem or could even be the major cause of your breakouts. Oil-based (comedogenic) cosmetics are the major culprits in worsening your acne condition and you should stay clear of such. Try using water-based (non-comedogenic) cosmetics, which do not clog your pores.

If you are light-skinned (Caucasian), and you regularly sun-bathe, you might feel that a tan would look good on you by giving you a nice complexion and drying out your pimples, but you should try reducing the amount of sun exposure. When you expose your skin to high intensity sunlight, Ultraviolet rays from the sun would dry the outer layers of your skin resulting in it peeling off. Regular exposure to high intensity sunlight makes you prone to having skin cancer.

A very common argument among dermatologist, doctors and health care practitioners is whether diet affects acne or causes acne. Well there is one thing that is certain, a large number of acne sufferers know that there are certain types of foods that increase the amount of pimples (breakouts) on their face. I have noticed that there are some foods that when I take in large quantities I expect breakouts (pimples) in the next 5 to 6 days.

To prevent skin problems such as acne, white and dark spots and pimples, you should consider changing the content of your meals by including more nutritious foods. You can improve your acne condition by eating foods that are rich with antioxidants. These help in keeping you healthy by fighting heart diseases and slowing down cell regeneration. Fruits and leafy vegetables contain enough of these.

Doctors have always recommended that you take at least 10 to 12 glasses of water a day. Your water intake affects your skin's health. Taking the recommended amount of water a day would make your skin healthier. Try reducing your sugar intake by drinking less sodas, and fruit juices. Instead take fruits; this will definitely prevent age spots and discoloration of your skin.

In addition to the following acne skin care tips that you've just read, you should try using an a system, which combats you acne problem from the inside and the outside. An excellent acne skin care product is the clear pores system which consists of a deep cleansing facial and body wash, protection cream and a herbal supplement that is guaranteed to fight acne inside the body.

Another very good product is Revitol's acnezine system which also consists of a skin anti-Oxidant Capsules and a Moisturizing Crème, all to ensure that your skin is clear of acne. The acnezine system was what made my skin free of pimples. It seems the healthy pores system has so many testimonials to its effectiveness; it is also a wonderful product you can use in ridding your skin of zits.

Most acne sufferers would talk of tales of what acne did to them in terms of their social life and how clearing those little monsters off their skin has made life more enjoyable. If you suffer from adult or teenage acne, it is guaranteed that following these acne skin care tips and using an effective acne skin care product, you would have the smooth and clear skin that you deserve.

For more information on how you can permanently get rid of Adult Acne from your life and look more youthful and beautiful visit adult acne treatment a brand new blog that gives information, tips and advice on how to solve the problem of acne.

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The Best Acne Medications Can Make You 100 Percent Acne Free

Acne is the number one skin condition and affects millions of people nationwide. It's no surprise that so many people are looking for effective treatments and the best acne medication. Although most people buy acne products that don't fully cure their acne, there are certain acne treatments that can make your skin completely clear and let you live a life completely free of acne.

There are all sorts of different acne product out there. A quick stop at the drug store will show you tons of different products that are all supposed to help get rid of acne. Acne treatments tend to fall into three categories: General, Prescription and Specialized.

General acne treatments are products that claim to help clear your acne but aren't formulated to truly treat your acne at the root of the problem. As an example, you can find many different creams of face washes that are supposed to help clear pimples. However, they are very limited in how they treat your acne. The facewash may help to kill bacteria and wipe away dirt - the cream tries to "zap" existing acne. Notice that they are only doing one thing in treating your acne. They aren't enough to cure your acne.

There are also prescription drugs that can be used to try to fight acne. Antibiotics are often prescribed to patients with moderate to severe acne. The idea is that the antibiotics will kill off bacteria that causes acne. However, this is not a good long-term solution as your body is not meant to be on this type of drug for an extended period of time.

Accutane is the most effective acne prescription, but also the most controversial. It has many side effects and considered to be dangerous in some cases. Because of the uncertainty surrounding this drug, there are some doctors and dermatologists that refuse to prescribe it.

Fortunately, the best acne medications don't fall in the prescription category. The most effective treatments fall in the "specialized" category.

Specialized treatments work by actually treating acne at the root of the problem and attacking it from all angles. They usually involve multiple steps to make sure that your acne is getting the full treatment it needs. You can see examples of specialized treatments here:

These treatments work because they make sure that all causes of acne are treated.

First, you need to eliminate the excess oil on your skin. This oil clogs your pores and leads to breakouts. Not only do the best specialized treatments remove extra oil from your skin, they also help to control oil production from your skin glands.

Second, acne causing bacteria can't be left on your skin. One step of specialized acne treatments will kill this bacteria to make sure that your skin isn't prone to new acne developing.

Third, you need to make sure that your skin is being treated for inflammation and irritation. Inflammation of the skin leaves your skin vulnerable to new breakouts and make any exisiting acne look far worse. You need your skin to be at it's healthiest in order to combat acne, so part of your acne treatment must address inflammation and nourish your skin cells to keep your skin in tip-top shape.

The best acne medications won't just eliminate your acne, but will also prevent new acne from forming. By using a specialized acne treatment, you will be able to get completely clear skin and won't risk having any side effects that can result from taking prescription drugs. Don't be discouraged if you have used products in the past that didn't work - just make sure you use a specialized acne treatment in the future. Best of Luck!

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