Friday, December 27, 2013

The Different Types of Acne Medication

To treat acne, there exists many types of acne medication and solutions. Many of the acne medication treatments may include topical or systematic acne solutions. Additionally, homeopathic treatments may also be applied to prevent the out-break of acne, an example of which is the use of mild soaps and water. Which acne medication to use first depends on what is the cause of acne.

There can be many causes of acne. Some of the causes include:

o Over-secretion of the sebaceous glands of its sebum (natural oil of the skin).

o Hormone imbalances due to internal changes in your body.

o The weakening of the immune system due to the attacks of the acne-infecting bacteria called as "Propionibacterium acnes".

o Impaired internal detoxification system.

o The reaction of the digestive system to the food items you eat.

o Stress.

o Genetic influences.

o Environmental pollutants or toxins.

o Cosmetics that contain chemicals, preservatives or harmful substances.

The severity of your acne problem determines the type of acne medication to be used. In fact, for the less serious acne cases or conditions, it is best to start with natural acne solutions. This normally comprises of natural herbs and exotic plants that are effective in removing blemishes and the prevention of bacterial formation. One example of less serious acne symptoms are those that appear on the onset of an acne outbreak.

Fruits and vegetables are perfect in lessening the effects of the above mentioned factors. They contain eeded minerals and vitamins for healthy skin. These may also have the properties of effectively cleansing and removing the oil from the skin tissues, like that of cucumbers and tomatoes. Most vegetables and fruits have a high water content. Water itself is potent in releasing body toxins from the body. Increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of distilled water can help prevent the onset of acne.

However, if you have a serious acne breakout, the use of acne medication treatment may be suitable. Acne medication products include topical and systematic acne solutions.

Topical acne solutions are those which you apply on the skin surface. One ingredient found in a topical acne medication product is benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is effective in reducing the quantity of bacteria on the skin. However, prolonged use can result in dryness of the skin, contract dermatitis and cause skin irritations.

Another ingredient in a topical acne medication product is Azeilic acid. Azeilic acid is known for its diminishing effect like that of benzoyl peroxide, on the bacterial presence on the skin. This acne solution is also effective in evening out the darker complexions produced by the recent flare-ups of acne. The side effects of this acne solution are impermanent discoloration on the affected area and extreme dryness.

In addition, Erythromycin in its topical form may reduce the acne inflammation. This acne solution is often combined with benzoyl peroxide to rigorously attack belligerent infection caused by the "Propionibacterium acnes".

An acne solution that does not only obstruct the growth of the acne-infecting bacteria but may also address inflammation and clogged pores is Sodium Sulfacetamide treatment. However, it is not commonly used as a treatment to acne because of its smell. Yet, it has been proven to help acne flare-ups in many cases.

Systematic acne medications are usually prescribed to more severe cases of acne infections. Generally speaking, the treatment may last up to six months. For women, the most prescribed systematic acne solution is anti-androgens. This form of treatment controls the secretion of a certain hormone and is commonly referred to as hormonal treatment.

Treating your skin with the right acne medication type is important. For instance, if your acne problem is at best mild, you don't want to be applying too strong a product on your skin. Too harsh a product can cause your skin to age faster and result in wrinkles or dry scaly skin. It is therefore, best to research properly on acne medications that will be the most appropriate for your acne problem.

Kathelene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. Her blog includes useful information on acne remedy, natural skin care, natural remedies for skin care and anti-aging. She also provides step-by-step recipes for skin care that you can easily prepare from ingredients right out from the kitchen. Get updated on tips and resources at []

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