Friday, December 27, 2013

Acne: Do You Have One?

Have you experienced a swelling in your skin? And then you tried to pop it? Well after reading this you must now think twice before popping that swell. Because that swell may be acne.

Acne is common to people nowadays. Acne is also known as pimples or more scientifically, vulgaris. It is caused when your pores get clogged causing an accumulation of fatty material from your oil gland or sebaceous gland.

Not all your pores are affected by acne. The reason for this is still a mystery. Because of the accumulation in the pores, a swell may eventually appear which is known as blackheads or whiteheads. Blackheads are not caused by dirt but by the chemical
reaction of the fatty material in the pores with the air. Air causes the discoloration of the fatty material causing a black "bump".

Acne has many different types along with different superstitious beliefs, theories and treatments. These different types of treatments may work for others but not on you because of acne's complexity. So, don't just believe on what your friends tell you or what the TV commercial promises with your acne. Those may just be one of theories and superstitious beliefs.

We already know about the physical effects of acne (When you pop it its causes more acnes or worse it becomes a life-long scar), but how about its psychological effects? Teenagers with acne tend to have lower self-confidence that leads to their feeling of isolation and being awkward to their peers with clear skin. Acnes made people cry, and angry. Thousands of people each year are afflicted by it, and it makes recluses out of a good many teenagers.

Teens are not the only one suffering from acne, adult acne is also common nowadays. Unlike teen's acne, adult acne is due to the changes that our skin goes through as we mature. Scars caused by acnes in adults are more severe than the scars of teens with acne. Adults, unlike teens are less likely to find treatment to their acnes, leaving them to suffer alone.

Acne has two main categories. It can be inflammatory acne or non-inflammatory acne. Whether if you're an adult or a teen, your acne may fall to one of these categories.

Blackheads and whiteheads are signs of non-inflammatory acne. Unlike non-inflammatory acnes, inflammatory acnes are harder to identify. Some symptoms of inflammatory acnes may be papules, pustules and in more severe cases, nodules or cysts.

You can look for different kinds of treatments once you already know on what category your acne falls. Always remember that if a certain treatment didn't work for your acne, you can always try some other treatments. The technology nowadays, has given rise to new treatments. Researchers are now developing some new treatments that might be the one your waiting for and might give you the clear skin your longing for.

Another treatment which may be more effective is that avoid grain products such as bread, corn, cereals and pastries. Also, don't forget to always drink your vitamins because it may just help you with acne. But still, these methods may not work for you. Maybe, you should just use your own judgment in treating your acne or just consult your dermatologist.

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