Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Dealing With Acne - I Will Show You How

Acne is a common skin problem for most adolescents and also afflicts some adults. People of all ages and backgrounds have had to deal with acne at some point. Hence, there has long been a desire to prevent it or cure it. We will look at some of the causes of acne as well as some of the ways in which people treated. Our hope is that you will gain a better understanding of why people get acne and what they can do for treatment and prevention.

Can acne be more serious than simply a cosmetic issue?

Many people ask this question. Perhaps you are wondering if acne has ever gotten so bad for someone that it turned into something worse. The answer is "yes". Though acne is a larger health issue for only some people, it is still worth noting the development of the skin irritation into something more troublesome.

In some cases, acne leads to the scarring of the skin or the outbreak of a serious infection. This form of acne is known as cystic acne. Much like its name applies, cystic acne results in a large bump or cyst. Once a cyst heals, it may leave an obvious scar. It should be noted, however, that cystic acne is rare. If you believe that your acne is turning into something more serious than the usual skin irritation, consult a doctor.

How long will acne last?

The good news is that for most people, acne is a somewhat temporary situation. Ask any teenager about acne, however, and he or she will likely tell you that a fear is being destined to a life of acne. Such is the sense of despair and embarrassment caused by acne.

These teens will be glad to know that most will stop developing acne as they near their twenties, if not sooner. They can also rest assured that in most cases, the effects of acne are much less harsh as people exit their teen years. Unfortunately for some, acne can linger for many years after puberty.

Some adults experience severe cases of acne or notice occasional outbreaks as they near their thirties and beyond. In some extremely rare cases, individuals who have never had acne develop it in their later years.

What are the mental effects of acne?

Acne may show a body's failure to properly deal with hormonal changes. Acne can indicate that a person is not dealing with stress effectively. It may be evidence of a potentially serious allergic reaction to a medication or other element. It is not these effects of acne that tend to do the most damage, though.

More than a health issue, acne is known causing people (mainly teens) a sense of shame and embarrassment. Acne is falsely associated with being unclean. Clear, healthy skin is associated with cleanliness, while severe forms of acne are often believed to be the result of sanitary neglect. Not only that, acne can be ugly and turn people away.

Most people who experience severe acne are emotionally scarred by the social rejection, leading to adolescent emotional insecurity and a sense of self-doubt. Because of this, acne should be treated as quickly and as thoroughly as possible.

Isn't it true that staying clean helps prevent acne?

It is always better to rid your skin of toxins and dirt that accumulate during your normal routine. So yes, to some extent, it is true that washing skin can help prevent or decrease acne. Acne is a chemical matter, and it is something that occurs beneath the surface of the skin more so than on the skin itself.

Both daily cleansing and care of one's skin will help reduce the bacteria that rests on the skin, but they cannot lessen the testosterone levels beneath the surface of the skin that help produce acne.

Understanding this basic fact should help reduce some of the stigma attached to acne. It should also allow people who suffer from acne to take some comfort in knowing that they are not necessarily less clean than others. The truth is that they have very little control over what is going on beneath their skin.

How important is a healthy diet to preventing acne?

It is no coincidence that people who eat healthy food tend to have skin that shines and glows. In contrast, think of someone you know who eats nothing but junk food. It is likely that they have some issues with acne. Experts agree that a good, healthy diet can go a long way towards either preventing acne or helping diminish it. The Chinese believe, and have been widely accepted in their belief, that acne is solely attributed to a poor diet.

They claim that too much sugar or grease leads to the potential for acne. Thus, they discourage the consumption of excessive amounts of chocolate and fried foods. Fruits and vegetables are generally considered better for the skin and a deterrent to acne. Another factor known to eliminate acne is continual drinking of water. Drinking plenty of it is your best bet to avoid acne.

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