Friday, December 27, 2013

Preventing and Treating Acne Scars

Physical scars are one of the most devastating effects that acne can leave behind. No matter the severity of acne, acne scarring can occur even in those suffering from the mildest form of acne. However, the more severe types of acne can leave scars that are much more visible and which can be really hard to get rid of even with the best medication.

Fortunately, the good news is that there are things you can do to treat and in many cases even prevent acne scars. For instance, you can avoid acne scars from forming by properly cleansing your skin and stopping popping zits. This does not mean scars won't develop but at least you'll have the possibility of avoiding them. For people suffering of severe types of acne the lesions on the skin stay for much longer periods of time than in milder forms, so acne scarring is almost inevitable in these cases. In cystic acne for instance, the nodules or cysts can stay on the skin for weeks (even months) and can leave behind very noticeable scars.

Each type of acne can leave different types of scars. So it's important to know the type of acne you have in order to treat it properly. You should also know about your skin type since treatment and scarring can both vary according to your skin type. Let's go over the different types of acne scars.

Ice pick scars are usually small, with a jagged edge. Although ice pick scars are very common, they are generally some of the easiest types of scars to treat.

Boxcar scars are angular scars. They usually affect the temple and cheeks, and can be superficial or deep. Boxcar scars are also very similar to those caused by Chickenpox.

There are also hypertrophic scars. These types of acne scars are thickened scars. Hypertrophic scars are also associated with some of the more severe types of acne.

Another type of acne scar is known as rolling scar. Rolling scars give the skin a wave-like look.

Acne scars are a very serious matter and getting rid of them is a real tough job. The best advice is to seek treatment through a physician. For many people, a certain combination of treatments turns out to give good results. But to get that right combination you need to consult a professional physician. There are key factors that will play a vital role in the success or failure of any acne treatments you use. Two of these factors include the type of scars you have and your skin type as well. Treating acne scars has been reported more successful for those on the face. On the other, treatment for those on the back and chest has given poor results.

Preventing acne from the onset is always the best thing to do in order to avoid acne scars. Prevention is always the ideal solution. However, for those who just become victims to this skin disorder, treating acne as quickly as possible after it appears can help prevent acne scars. So, a rule of thumb is to always take steps to fight and prevent acne to minimize the chance of having to deal with the formation of deep, lasting scars.

Also, as we've mentioned above, it is advisable to seek the help of a physician. This especially true when you are not sure how to best treat your acne or its scars. Note that for scars caused by severe types of acne such as cystic acne, medical attention is a must and not an option. Without this help, you won't have a chance at knowing what treatment will work best for your acne.

Having a clear understanding of your specific acne condition will help you work towards a possible solution. Your acne type, skin type and the type of scarring associated with your skin condition are three very important factors to have into account when deciding what treatment to employ.

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