Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Body Acne - Treating It The Right Way

Acne is one of the most embarrassing and irritating ailments one can have. Most of us at some stage of life especially in adolescence have battled it. Acne occurs both on the face and on the rest of the body- on the chest, back, upper arms and legs.

While moderate acne is easily treated, severe acne takes time and effort to clear and may leave blemishes not only on the skin but also on one's psyche. Luckily nowadays all types of acne are treatable if one is patient and persistent. The first step of body acne treatment is a good understanding of the ailment.

What is acne?

Acne commonly called pimples are skin eruptions that occurs due to the clogging of skin pores by oil and dead cells. Facial acne is a very common condition faced by people especially teenagers. Body acne or acne on the rest of the body is equally common but less discussed. People who suffer from body acne are more likely to also suffer from facial acne.

What causes an acne outbreak?

Acne is caused by overactive sebaceous glands or oil secreting glands that are found throughout the body except on the palms and soles. These glands secrete lots of oil that mixes with sweat and dead skin creating a breeding ground for bacteria. Blackheads, whiteheads, pustules and cysts all are caused due to this. The following factors though not directly causing acne may play a role in aggravating it.

Poor hygiene:

Lack of regular skin cleansing leads to accumulation of sweat and dead cells that mingle with the oil and block the skin pores. Bacteria too thrive and an acne breakout occurs. Body acne treatment is tougher than facial acne treatment as body pores are bigger.

Though poor hygiene is not a direct cause of acne it is a factor which makes it worse. If you like to work-out frequently be sure to shower and keep yourself clean after sweating it out.


Stress is one of the proven causes of acne. Day-to-day stress may sometimes become chronic which leads to a hormonal imbalance. Our adrenal glands release more cortisol which in turn makes the sebaceous glands produce more oil. Stress also reduces the immunity of the body thus making body acne treatment very difficult as blemishes do not heal quickly.

A regular exercise regimen and a sound sleeping pattern are foolproof ways to alleviate stress. Other body conditions that disrupt the normal hormone cycle like pregnancy in which excess progesterone hormone is released also lead to acne.

Imbalanced diet:

The effect of diet on acne has not been scientifically proved. But there is no denying the fact that a balanced diet which incorporates whole grains, vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants is responsible for a healthy and glowing body.

Body acne treatments according to the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda recommend a diet rich in fluids, citrus fruits and green vegetables along with reduced consumption of oil and spicy food. Such a diet hydrates the body flushing out wastes efficiently which goes a long way in reducing acne. However moderate to severe acne may require medication along with a healthy diet.

Friction due to improper clothing:

Tight fitting or synthetic clothing which leads to sweating may increase acne. While suffering from acne, one should wear loose cotton based clothes that allow the body to breathe.

How can acne be treated?

Body acne treatments and facial acne treatments depend on the severity of the condition. While a mild acne breakout can be treated with over-the counter products, a severe case of acne must be treated by a doctor or a dermatologist as soon as possible. The following methods of treatment are generally used.

    For mild acne cleansers and creams that contain acne fighting ingredients like salicylic acid (dries the scars), benzoyl peroxide (reduces pore clogging), alpha-hydroxy acid (dries scars) and tea-tree oil (kills bacteria) can be used.
    For severe acne doctors prescribe antibiotics that contain erythromycin or tetracycline which kill bacteria. For very severe cases Accutane may be prescribed but it is often given as a last resort as it has some side-effects.

Body acne treatments if followed regularly are bound to yield results and free you from the dreaded acne. You are in total control of the outcome of your acne condition. You have to impose yourself some disciplinary measures and follow the regimen strictly provided by the dermatologist. Be patient with the results and you will be on your way towards an acne-free lifestyle.

My name is Sunil Visvambaram. I'm currently doing a research on natural adult acne treatments and writing articles on my findings. Acne is a skin disorder condition that affects almost any part of your body. But it primarily affects on your face. This has become a serious issue that many actually overlook. In fact, it affects more than 17 million adults in the US alone! If you let your acne unattended, it can really turn out to become a severe condition which needs medical attention. Please visit my website for more information on how to prevent, manage and cure your acne permanently and lead an acne-free lifestyle.

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