Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Save Money and Save Your Skin With Natural Acne Home Remedies

Acne can prove to be troublesome for young people, as well as us older folks.

Many times acne will just show up at completely random times. Often there is no explanation available as to why it can affect one person severely, while others show very little, or even no affects

Of course, this is a booming business for the "Acne Cure" manufacturing industry. which can then turn around and market a variety of acne creams, and acne cure-alls that they promise will rid you of your dreaded acne skin condition.

Take a walk through your local drug store, or pharmacy, and you will find the shelves stocked with various acne cures in the form of, acne lotions, acne creams, acne washes, and what ever the latest miracle acne cure.

The labels on all these products all promise the same thing, to cure your acne in a matter of days, and keep your acne under control, indefinitely.

While you are at the checkout counter, go ahead and take a look in the fashion magazines. Forget what you see, those pictures are all touched up. Those models can have acne just as easily as the next person, they just have the benefit of a creative photographer.

What can you do to cope with your acne problems?

Well you could just buy the first acne treatment you see, and take a shot in the dark and take it home and give it a try.

Don't expect much, you will probably not notice much improvement with your acne, if any at all.

Some of these so called cures can actually cause your acne to get worse. These acne treatments may cause your skin condition to become inflamed, or irritated, maybe even leading to your skin to start to peel.

So you have to be very careful with these over the counter acne treatments. The idea is to find a way to clear up your acne, not to make it worse.

The good news is, there are natural acne treatments available,which may prove to be much less expensive then the traditional over the counter acne treatment medications. These natural acne treatments many times will be more effective as well as being a safe acne treatment plan.

A lot of the ingredients for these natural acne cures might already be in your home already.

One thing to do is to drink water. This may sound to easy, but there is a good reason for it.

As you probably already know, our bodies are made up mostly of water.

When you drink water, it allows your body to naturally remove toxins and impurities which can build up over time. Drinking enough water allows our body to process these things through our kidneys and urine instead of by way of our pores.

The idea is that the fewer impurities we have, will greatly reduce the number of pimples and acne breakouts we have.

Another natural acne cure to try is using Apricot Juice, but you will not be drinking it. You will use it topically.

OK, here it is, apply the apricot juice every day to your face, or other places where you have acne breakouts. You want to be sure to use only pure apricot juice, and leave it on the affected areas for at least ten minutes before you rinse it off.

The idea behind this acne treatment is that the apricot juice will work at drying up any pimples and acne cysts that you already have.

You are going to want to use only glycerin and sorbitol based soaps.

Many of the soaps promoted as acne soap, or acne cures and prevention, are actually to harsh and will lead to drying your skin out to much.

The glycerin or sorbital-based soaps are designed to be mild enough to be used for frequent washing, but strong enough to combat any excessive oils which your body may be producing.

You can also try applying Rosehip Seed Oil to the areas you have affected by acne.

If acne is very severe one of the worst problems to deal with is acne scarring.

The acne scarring can be a problem that has to be dealt with long after the acne is gone.

Rosehip Seed Oil can be used to to reduce the scarring. Try massaging the Rosehip Seed Oil into any acne scars for 15 to 20 minutes twice a day. This should help reduce the scarring while improving the appearance of your skin.

Something else you can try is scrubbing the affected areas with salt and vinegar.

Just mix the salt and vinegar to a paste consistency and rub the areas affected by the acne.

Make sure to leave this on for twenty minutes at least, then you can wash it off with warm water.

You will probably find these things somewhat unpleasant while doing them, but it should help clear up your acne skin condition.

These natural acne treatments can work, but only if you do them faithfully. So what are you waiting for, the sooner you start using your natural acne remedies, the sooner you can have your acne under control.

The better you control your acne breakouts, the less chance you will have of developing acne scarring.

You can save money, while ensuring you are keeping your skin as acne free as possible.

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