Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Acne Solutions - Do You Need One?

Acne solutions occupy the minds of our teenagers. With acne being the most common skin complaint in the world, and teenagers being the most body conscious people in our society, acne solutions are keenly sought by our young.

However the search for "acne solutions" or "acne cures" rests on the assumption that acne can be cured, much the same as it is assumed that many other medical problems of the modern age can be cured. The reality however, is different. Real acne solutions are just that, solutions, not cures.

It is a symptom of our fast fix society that if we have a problem we want an immediate fix. If we can't fix it ourselves we assume that technology will come to the rescue and provide a simple, painless low cost fix in a bottle.

Acne, unfortunately, isn't so easy.

Acne affects, according to some, up to 95% if teenagers at some time in their teen or early adult years. It can be serious and debilitating, mild and easy to control, or usually somewhere in between. The market for acne cures is huge, billions of dollars.

And of course there are a myriad of acne remedies out there all claiming to be the one and only. The magic bullet of acne cures. The one stop fix for every teenagers troubling acne.

Millions are spent in advertising these so called acne cures or acne remedies. Wild claims are made about their effectiveness. Guarantees are offered that they will work.

However the reality of acne is that scientists still do not fully understand what causes it. The causes of acne are thought to be hormonal, or more specifically a hormonal imbalance, but the mechanism isn't fully proven.

So despite the fact that the market for acne remedies is huge, it is still true that acne cannot be cured. Acne is a condition caused by some mix of as yet unknown factors at work in the body, and will only stop when the body decides it's time for it to stop. Until then it will, or can, continue and this process is independent of attempts to cure it.

Does this mean that there are no acne solutions? No not at all. Quite the opposite. It just means that people searching for acne cures need to approach the problem with the right perspective.

Don't expect to find the "perfect" acne cure. The one secret potion that, when applied, will immediately clear up all those annoying spots in a few days. That, once the cure has been effected, it will be unnecessary to apply the product any more.

Look at it this way. Good acne solutions do exist. They can be a little hard to find because what works for some may not work for others, so you may need to try a number of products until you find the one that works for you.

And once you have found the acne control that works for you don't expect to use it for a while and stop. Acne isn't cured, it's managed. Once you have the spots under control you then need to practice active acne prevention by continuing to use the product until your body says "enough is enough". And observing some basic common sense precautions.

It's a question of attitude and expectations. Go into it looking for the perfect once only "acne cure" and you will be disappointed. Understand that acne is a natural body condition that can be controlled with some effort once the right product has been found.

That it will not stop until it has decided to and that you may well need to keep using the product for quite some time until it does. And that as a huge percentage of your friends will also get it at some time it is just a part of growing up.

Acne cures? There aren't any. Acne solutions? They do exist, and there are some very good ones. But you need to understand the difference.

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