Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Get Rid of Acne - Is Your Diet Linked to Acne?

Are you an acne sufferer who has tried to get rid of acne by trying all the medication that your doctor has to offer? You will probably have heard your doctor say that diet and acne are not linked in any way. It is true that in finding a cure for acne there has been much talk if acne and diet are linked. Usually the average person will visit, what he thinks, is an authoritative website to find the answer. But is this the best method? For example, in the United Kingdom the National Health Service (NHS) website clearly states "There is no evidence that diet plays a role in acne. Eating a healthy balanced diet is recommended because it is good for your heart and your health in general. However, it will not help your acne." If you search on the internet 'diet and acne' you will find this statement repeated over and over again. So is this medical fact or medical opinion? It's an important question to answer, especially if you want to get rid of acne.

Acne and Diet Are Linked

New research is now finding out that acne and diet are definitely linked. Research is also proving that by adjusting a person's diet he can actually cure acne. Of course, for the acne suffer this means more than just cutting out a certain food or eating more fruit. This article will examine this later, but if that is the case, why then does the NHS website promote the idea that acne and diet are not linked?

Of course doctors are highly educated people who receive much training to cure ailments. The reason why doctors dismiss the link between acne and diet is because, as I believe, that at medical school doctors are not given much training on nutrition and it's effects on the body. The training doctors receive isn't focused on 'food and nutrition' but on the study of diseases, surgery and how pharmaceutical drugs can be used. This lack of training with regard to the effect that food has on the human body results in doctor's relying on this premise: everything, including skin acne, can be cured by pharmaceutical drugs. Therefore chemical based lotions, antibiotics and Roaccutane are promoted as the only way in which to get rid of acne. Of course, another factor in all of this is the part that the large pharmaceuticals play, but that is the subject of another article.

Assumptions Linked to Acne

Would you like to live your life based on assumptions? Think of the assumptions that many people make when they want to get rid of acne:

    The doctor is an expert on acne.
    The doctor has been exclusively trained in treating acne.
    Lotions, cleansers and medication are the answer.

Yes, 3 assumptions that a person usually makes when searching for a remedy for acne! Have you made these assumptions?

Can Dermatologists Cure Acne?

Is it better, then, to visit a dermatologist? The answer is simple: how are they going to treat acne? Dermatologists are also divided in their views on the causes of acne. Some are on the side that acne and diet are not related. Their patients are treated with pharmaceutical medicines. However other dermatologists are on the side that acne and diet are definitely linked. They treat their patients through proper nutrition and get good results without using any drugs.

Of course, some people may find a cure for acne by visiting their doctor, but more often than not a person learns to live with it, or just waits until the body heals itself. Unfortunately this isn't an option for many. The cure for acne is in what we digest in our bodies

Acne and Diet - Are They Really Linked?

All persons should enjoy a healthy diet with the proper nutrients. This will make sure that your body receives everything it needs. It also enables the body to heal and repair its skin.

However, a person could find himself in the situation that he already eats a healthy diet full of fruit and vegetables, but still has acne. So how, then is acne and diet related?"

It could be that some who can't get rid of acne already have extremely healthy diets. They may be consuming the proper amount of fresh fruit and vegetables. They may also have also removed dairy, gluten sugar and saturated fat from their diet. However, they still find that following 'acne diets' hasn't helped. This could lead them to the assumption that their doctor was right - acne and diet aren't linked. This, however, is a false assumption.

The Cure For Acne

Acne is the body's way of telling you that something is wrong in side. Therefore the remedy for acne is looking into what is going on inside. What else is causes acne if food is not the culprit? One reason could be a health complaint from the past. This needs to be addressed. An acne sufferer who has sought an acne cure from his doctor will probably be using antibiotics. The contraceptive pill or constant use of pain killers can also be to blame. These medications alter the natural chemistry in the body causing good bacteria to be destroyed in the intestines. My research has shown that good bacteria in the gut is needed to get rid of acne. It is the best remedy for acne.

Best Remedy for Acne

The best and most effective cure for acne is that a person needs to make changes in his diet. In order to return the body to it's natural state the correct supplements have to be taken as well. So, sometimes the problems isn't caused by diet, but through diet a person can get rid of acne.

The Elaine Mummery Acne Clinic is dedicated to helping acne sufferers get rid of their acne naturally. The acne cure is in your hands! It's in what you eat and digest. For more information please visit the clinic. Appointments can be arranged in person or via Skype.

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