Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Stages of Acne

Acne can be categorized into four levels, or grades. Determining the grade of acne is done by an inspection of the skin. Specific criteria are used to classify acne symptoms and determine the grade. These include:

The types of non inflamed comedomes on the skin
The types of inflamed comedomes on the skin
The amount of breakout activity present
The different areas of the body that are affected by acne
The amount of skin inflammation (if there is any)

One of the most important steps in successfully treating acne is first determining the grade of acne that is present. Once the grade is known the different treatment methods can be explored and the most effective acne treatment applied.

Treatments can range from home based acne remedies, natural acne treatment or even herbal acne treatment.

Grade 1 Acne

This is the mildest form of acne. There is no inflammation present with Grade 1 Acne and there will be small pimples that appear in small numbers and very occasionally. Blackheads can be present.

Early adolescence usually sees the onset of Grade 1 acne. The common areas affected are the nose and forehead regions. Milia are also commonly found in the chin and eye area. Adults can also experience Grade 1 Acne.

Grade 1 acne can be treated very successfully at home. Over the counter products (non prescribed products) can be used to treat it with a systematic 3 part approach:

1. Facial Wash - Ensure you are washing the affected area twice a day with a mild cleanser. This will unclog your pores, remove excess sebum (oil), eradicate whiteheads and blackheads and allow faster healing.

2. Attack Acne at its roots - Take a herbal supplement to attack the acne at its source. This will reduce inflammation, swelling, redness and assist in treating any acne scarring.

3. If your skin begins to peel due to the drying nature of acne products you can apply an oil free cream. This will assist in removing impurities and excess sebum whilst moisturizing your skin and giving it a healthy look.

Proactively treating acne while it is still in the Grade 1 stage will help prevent it from moving into the Grade 2 phase.

Grade 2 Acne

This is considered to be moderate acne. Blackheads and Milia will be present on the skin in increased numbers. Papules and Pustules will also begin to form in Grade 2 acne. Inflammation of the skin will start to be present and greater breakout activity will start to appear.

The spread of acne can being to move in this phase from the forehead and nose area to the shoulders, chest and also the back.

Grade II acne, just like Grade 1, can be treated at home using over the counter products. Treating your body internally with a herbal supplement and cleansing on a daily basis are recommended.

It is possible for Grade 2 acne to progress and move into Grade 3 acne. The chance of this happening are increased if you squeeze or pick at the pimples.

Grade 3 Acne

Grade 3 acne is viewed as severe acne. During Grade 3 your skin will be visibly inflamed and reddened. Whilst Papules and Pustules are still present the formation of nodules will begin.

The affected ares during Grade 3 include the face, back, shoulders, chest and neck. Due to the acne spreading and moving deeper the likelihood of suffering from acne scarring increases.

It would be recommended to seek a consultation with a dermatologist for the treatment of Grade 3 acne. Grade 3 acne could also progress and become Grade 4 acne.

Grade 4 Acne

This is the most severe form of acne and is sometimes referred to as cystic acne.

Papules, Pustules and Nodules will be present on the sin. However, Cysts will begin to form whilst the breakouts experienced and the level of inflammation is severe.

The extent of cystic acne can cover the face, chest, back, upper arms and the shoulders. In all likelihood it will lead to acne scarring.

It is highly recommended to consult a dermatologist if you suffer from Grade 4 acne.

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