Friday, December 27, 2013

The Acne Bacteria Trap, Why Killing Acne Bacteria Often Makes Your Acne Worse

We've all read it or been told it somewhere...

"While no one know the cause of acne... Blah... Blah... Blah..."

Then what do they tell you to do about it (even though they have no clue as to what the actual cause of acne is)...

"If you take this acne bacteria fighting anti-biotic or use this anti-acne bacterial cream on your skin... Blah... Blah... Blah..."

Well, let me ask you... How has killing acne bacteria with creams or acne anti-biotics worked for you so far?

If you're like the majority of acne sufferers it hasn't done squat for you except dry your skin and put you in a constant cycle of trying this new cream or that new anti-bacterial acne remedy when the last one quits working.

So why didn't it work?

Here's the shocking secret your dermatologist never told you...

Acne bacteria does NOT cause acne. Nope, it has NOTHING to do with it.

Now don't get me wrong, acne bacteria will cause redness, swelling, and inflammation, but it's NOT the cause of your acne.

I mean, think about this...

If acne bacteria was causing acne then acne would be highly contagious just like other bacterial born diseases. You and I both know its not contagious.

In fact, take 2 random people.... one prone to acne, one with perfect skin and you "infect" the skin of both with acne bacteria the acne bacteria will do absolutely nothing to the person with already perfect skin.

The truth is everyones skin has acne bacteria on it right now... everyone's... whether they suffer from acne or not! But it will only cause redness and inflammation if you're already prone to acne.

Why? I'll get to that so stay with me.

So you've gotta be thinking...

The more you "kill" this acne bacteria that is naturally on everyones skin the more your acne returns...


Lets think about this...

If anti-acne bacteria agents like anti-biotics and creams really worked then you wouldn't see acne. It would have been eradicated a long time ago with the invention of anti-biotics just like other bacterial born diseases.

The truth is no matter how hard you try, if you try to cure your acne by killing acne-bacteria you're never going to find the cure. In fact, many of those anti-bacterial treatments such as anti-biotics can even make your acne worse in the long-run.

Acne bacteria does NOT cause acne. It never did. Acne is caused by the combination of 2 factors and 2 factors only (please see the True Cause of Acne)

Until you resolve those 2 factors you're going to be constantly battling with acne. So don't waste your time on anything that doesn't resolve those 2 factors.

So is it totally futile to kill bacteria?

Well, actually there is a particular bacteria that can become rooted in your internal system that inhibits your body's natural ability to maintain hormonal balance. Killing this bacteria will most definitely help you with your acne condition. And luckily we have found a combination of a particular food and a herb to be very effective at killing this particular bacteria that messes with hormonal balance.

I'll be covering more about this in future reports... I think you'll find it eye-opening. Be sure not to miss it. (You may want to sign-up for my free newsletter to ensure you don't miss a thing. It totally free, so jump on it ASAP!.

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Alternative Natural Acne Treatments That Work For You Now

The problem with most acne treatments and acne products is that not everyone reacts the same way to the same treatment; what worked for one may not work for another. There is hope -- keep researching, learning and testing and you'll find the right treatment for you. The key to healthy, clear skin is to choose a skin care regimen that's right for you based on the type of acne condition you have.

Acne vulgaris is most commonly experienced around puberty, typically of the face, shoulders and chest. While almost all young people experience acne at least once, it's been reported that 47% of those in their 20s and 30% of those in their 30s had acne. Nearly 80 percent of people from ages 11 to 30 years have acne, most often on the face, chest and back. Most pimples are found on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders.

Acne, zits, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and many other skin disorders are usually, but not always, the result of a bad diet. As time goes by, more research may help determine just how male and female hormones influence acne and the role diet plays. I think the cause of acne is related to our acidic, inflammatory 'standard American diet' (SAD) and that would also influence all of our hormones including stress hormones. Experts just can't agree on what causes acne.

You want to avoid squeezing, pinching, picking or popping your pimples because it can cause scars or leave dark spots on your skin. One treatment method some people have used is applying cornstarch, egg whites or milk of magnesia as a facial mask. Too many chemicals can strip your skin of its natural oils and the skin will overproduce oil to compensate for it, blocking your pores and causing more acne.

Acne and its treatment is one of the most misunderstood topics there is when it comes to acne skin care. This is a little messy but you can try making a paste by mixing three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon together and applying the paste on your pimples at bedtime for two weeks, and wash it off each morning; honey has anti-bacterial action - a cheap, natural home remedy. Try applying a thin layer of coconut oil and massaging it deep into the skin to heal and soothe the affected area.

Never underestimate the healing, restorative power of a good night's sleep. Remember, that even the most gentle and natural products you might use to clean your face can leave your skin a bit dry; use coconut oil as an excellent way to re-hydrate the skin after using any acne commercial or natural cleanser. Try not to touch your affected skin to eliminate possible contamination.

Use exercise such as Yoga and Tai Chi to improve blood flow to the skin and support the healing process; it also boosts the condition of your internal organs which allows them to eliminate toxins more effectively. Any makeup you use should list on the label non-acnegenic or non-comedogenic. It bears repeating, you want to be good to your skin and never pop or squeeze a pimple no matter how tempting.

Since the latest research indicates a connection between stress and acne, make an effort to cut down on stress any way you can. Shave carefully and try both electric and safety razors to see which works best for you.

Acne scars can give the skin an aging look. Severe, inflamed, cystic acne always leaves scars after healing. Healed acne leaves scars in some people however, and it isn't easy to predict who will end up with scars after an acne outbreak and who won't.

Some alternative doctors recommend eating a raw clove of garlic daily for acne; you can chop one up and add it to your daily salad! In any case, no matter what skin or acne treatment you choose, whether it's chemical, drugs, alternative, or natural methods, changing your diet alone will be the best treatment you can do for your acne and you'll achieve overall good health in the process. People with skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, and psoriasis often suffer from constipation; if you are, make sure you're drinking lots of water every day and add more natural fiber from raw fruits to your diet.

The best acne treatment is a diet that will help the body eliminate waste; if you're eating the standard American diet (SAD) it'll be reflected in your skin. Drink lots and lots of pure, filtered water every day.

For an easy fiber boost, mix in two tablespoons of ground up flaxseeds into raw applesauce, from two to three apples, made in your food processor. Eat foods that contain essential fatty acids. Eating foods with essential fatty acids are particularly important to people with dry skin or acne.

Consider taking cod liver oil or fish oil supplements every day. Eating fruits that are red or orange in color will help improve you skin health and help to prevent acne. Good nutrition will help your skin from the inside out.

Put two tablespoons of coconut oil in your all fruit smoothies and blend. When the skin is dehydrated, dead skin cells remain on the skin which may block pores and promote acne; drink plenty of water.

Unclean skin favors the development of pathogenic organisms; the dead cells continually slough off of the epidermis and mix with the secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands and the dust found on the skin, to form a layer on its surface. Sunlight, water and air play an important role in keeping the skin healthy.

One should always think about cheaper, alternative, natural, effective treatment methods to get the best cure or solution to their acne, zits, pimples and blackhead problems. Don't give up - try everything you can until you get relief from your acne. By simply following a plan you've developed for yourself and sticking with it, you can reduce the severity of your acne or even eliminate it entirely.

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What Is the Real Truth Behind Acne? Helping Your Teen Get Through with His Self Esteem Intact

Acne affects about 80% of all teenagers and adolescents. This skin condition is so common among young people that it is considered a normal part of growing up. Acne skin care is something that everyone should be familiar with. In the majority of cases you don't need to resort to professional skin care to help your child with acne and to help prevent outbreaks as much as possible.

Many people wonder about the cause of acne and how they can prevent it and have healthy skin for the rest of their lives. If your teenager is suffering from acne, he may be experiencing a tough time emotionally and as a parent you want to be able to help him with this. You need some knowledge about acne skin care if you hope to help your child cope with this condition.

Most adolescents get the skin condition around the time of puberty. Girls get it at about 11 years old and boys at 13. It may last through the teen years and even into the twenties. Most professionals agree that there is no prevention for acne. If you are going to get it, you will get it regardless. However, there are things you can do to affect the severity of it.

Types of Acne

To understand acne and how to help your teen with it, you need to know what acne really is. There are two basic types of acne that exist:

1. Non-inflammatory-- has a few whiteheads and blackheads on the face, may appear sporadically.

2. Inflammatory-- has whiteheads that become inflamed and pimples or cysts develop.

Acne causes inflammation and blemishes to appear on the skin usually on the face but also on other parts of the body such as the neck, back, shoulders and even the buttocks. Samples of blemishes you could have include:

o Whiteheads

o Blackheads

o Papules

o Pustules

o Nodules (severe acne)

o Cysts (severe acne)

Acne Myths

With something that has been around as long as acne and that affects so many people, it is no surprise that there are a lot of myths floating around regarding it. Everyone claims to have some home remedy or quick fix to help with the problem of acne but you must be careful with what advice you take and make sure you learn to recognize the myths from the facts. If you want to help your teenager get through this skin condition, you need to weed through the myths and discover the truth.

o There's no scientific evidence that junk foods or chocolate cause acne or make it worse.

o Still, some people notice certain foods seem to trigger acne.

o Poor hygiene, oily skin and hair do not cause acne, but can impede treatment.

o The idea that the sun improves acne by drying out greasy skin is not correct.

o Washing your face multiple times throughout the day will improve your acne. (once or twice normally is enough, over washing can cause more trauma to the skin of the face)

o Exercise will not make acne worse. Clogged pores due to sweat from exercise can irritate the condition.

The exact cause of acne is not known but studies have shown many contributing factors that can make your acne worse. Whether your child has oily skin, dry skin, combination skin, pimples, a rash or painful cysts and ulcers, it's important to know what skin care will work for acne. There are also basic hygiene tips that will help your teenager improve their acne skin.

Treating Acne

Here are some things you should make sure your teenager is doing to help clear the skin from acne.

1. Wash your face once or twice a day with usual soap and cleaner.

2. Avoid food or drinks you believe to be a trigger.

3. Avoid sleeping with makeup on.

4. Avoid heavy makeup or makeup altogether if it seems to make it worse. (makeup clogs the pores)


You may choose to try over the counter medications to help improve the acne skin. If home remedies for your acne skin care don't work, see a dermatologist. Drugs can be prescribed for more severe cases, including gels, creams and oral antibiotics. Doctors may surgically drain large abscesses. There are also medications and treatments available to help with acne scarring.

Don't assume that your teen will just naturally outgrow acne and tell him to 'get over it' or 'wait it out'. Lack of treatment will cause the acne to get worse and can even lead to permanent problems and scarring later. This is not even considering the emotional trauma that goes along with a teen that has acne. The face is the first thing people notice about you and the teenage years is a time when looks matter quite a bit.

Acne Scarring

Unfortunately, scarring is a common problem associated with teenager acne. The acne will eventually clear up as your child grows older but scars can remain for a lifetime. The more severe the acne, the more severe the scarring that results will be.

There are different methods of removing or lessening the affects of acne scarring but be warned that most are very expensive. They include:

o Laser treatment

o Filler substances

o Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion

o Chemical peels

o Topical treatment

o Keloid scar therapy

The best method is always prevention as much as possible. What are some ways your teen can prevent acne scarring?

1. Never pop, pick or scratch at your acne blemishes.

2. Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching the face or applying treatment.

3. Always apply treatment exactly as described.

4. Don't over-wash the acne skin and cause more irritation.

5. Keep your acne as controlled as possible (with your doctor's help).

Remember: the more you mess with it, the worse you can make it.

Proper skin care is very important to the treatment of acne. These tips will help you get the most of your results and help your teen cope with this common skin condition.

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Acne Treatment - Remove Acne Scars through Herbal Ways

What is Acne?

Acne is a common skin condition characterized by plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), pimples that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even upper arms.

Acne commonly starts in the early teen years, when the oil glands in the body start secreting excess sebum (oil).

Although acne is usually not a serious health threat, it can be a source of significant emotional distress. Severe acne can lead to permanent scarring.

Who gets acne?

# Anyone can get acne, but it is most common in teenagers. It may be worse in boys because they have more skin oils.

# Changing hormone levels in adolescent girls and adult women two to seven days before their menstrual period starts.

# Heredity also plays a role. If your mother and father had bad acne, you may too get it.

# Some people are extra sensitive to the bacteria that are trapped in their hair follicles.

What causes acne?

The exact cause of acne is unknown, but doctors believe it results from several related factors.
One important factor is an increase in hormones called androgens (male sex hormones). These hormones increase in both boys and girls during puberty and cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and secrete more sebum. Hormonal changes related to pregnancy; starting or stopping of birth control pills can also cause acne in women.

Another factor is heredity. Researchers believe that the tendency to develop acne can be inherited from parents.

Certain cosmetics and drugs, including androgens, are known to cause acne. Greasy cosmetics may alter the cells of the follicles and make them stick together, giving rise to a plugged pore.

Environmental factors, such as grease, pollution and dirt.

Stress and tension - related to hormonal change.

Does acne in women become worse before periods?

Yes. Due to hormonal changes during menstruation, many women get acne two to seven days before their periods. This gets heightened in teenage years as lot of hormonal changes take place at this time.

Factors that can make acne worse -

Factors that can cause an acne flare include:

o Changing hormonal levels in adolescents. In girls and adult women, before their menstrual period starts

o Oil from cosmetics, skin products or grease

o Pressure from garments, helmets, sports gear, tight elastic

o Environmental irritants, such as pollution and high humidity

o Hard scrubbing of the skin

What kind of clothes/cosmetics affect acne?

If there is constant pressure resulting from headbands, bra straps, waist bands, it could cause acne eruption in those areas of the skin.

Certain cosmetics could lead to blackhead formation in the skin. Avoid hair oils, which induce blackheads and whiteheads along your hairline. Some people are also sensitive to suntan lotions.

Does acne cause scars?

Acne, especially cystic acne, can cause scars in some people. You can help reduce scarring by not squeezing blemishes. Also, avoid scrubbing your skin. If you do get scars, treatment is available.

Some truths about acne:

► Acne most often starts at around age 11 for girls and 13 for boys.

► There is no scientific evidence to prove that junk food and greasy foods cause acne.

► There's no scientific evidence to back up the claim that oily skin or hair causes acne

► If you or your spouse had acne as a teenager, there is likelihood that your teen will experience this.

Some myths about acne:

# Eating chocolate and greasy foods-like french-fries, burgers, causes acne breakouts.

# Getting a tan helps clear up acne.

# If you scrub your face more often, your skin will be clearer and you will not get acne.

# Dirty skin causes acne;

# Stress does not cause acne.

How is acne treated?

Acne is treated by skin specialists known as dermatologists.

The goal is to cure existing lesions, prevent new lesions from erupting, prevent scarring, and minimize the emotional pressure and embarrassment caused by acne. Not only girls, but also even boys face a very traumatic experience in their adolescent period. Drugs are used to reduce several problems that play a part in causing acne:

o abnormal clumping of cells in the follicles

o increased oil production

o bacteria

o Inflammation.

Depending on the extent of the problem as well as the type of acne, the doctor may recommend some over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and/or prescription medicines. Some may be topical (applied to the skin), and others may be oral (taken by mouth).

How should people with acne take care of their skin?

# Clean skin gently.

# Avoid frequent handling of the skin - People who squeeze, pinch, or pick the pimples risk developing scars. They should avoid rubbing and touching their skin lesions.

# Shave carefully

# Choose cosmetics carefully

# Avoid a sunburn or suntan - many of the medicines used to treat acne can make a person more prone to sunburn.

Some home remedies for acne cure -

1. Dried orange peel pounded well with water. Applied to affected acne areas like a face mask. Remove after 10 minutes.

2. Grated pieces of cucumber to be applied on the affected area.

3. Rub the pimple with a fresh clove of garlic.

4. Drinking plenty of water to flush out toxins from body. It also imparts a healthy glow to the skin

5. A paste of Fenugreek (Methi) leaves applied overnight on acne and washed off next morning helps control the problem.

What works for one person may not work for another. What is an appropriate treatment for one person may not clear another's acne. Do not get impatient! Get medical treatment if your condition gets worse.

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Many Treatments For Acne Go From Mild To Severe

The treatments for acne will be varying according to the stage. Acne is a skin condition when blackheads and even painful red nodules are noticed on your skin, especially on your face, chest, back and arms. Acne can be basically divided into three categories - mild, moderate and severe. Each category requires different treatments.

Treatment for Mild Acne

Mild acne is generally treated by washing the acne affected area with warm water and soap twice everyday. Proper skin care is very important. You have to keep in mind that acne takes time to heal and that significant changes cannot be detected overnight.

Treatment for Moderate Acne

When pimples cover almost half of your face, then you are suffering from moderate acne. In such a situation, it will be best for you to consult a dermatologist. Combination therapies are used for the treatment of moderate acne, which includes physical treatment and prescription treatment. Oral contraceptives and oral acne treatments have also proved effective in some cases. Most acne problems, according to doctors are completely treatable.

Treatment for Severe Acne

When acne is severe, the pimples and the zits become inflamed, deep and like cysts. In this case, a lot of scars and damage to the skin occurs. This may arouse feelings of depression among the affected people. Dermatologists use aggressive treatment for stopping further growth of acne and simultaneously try to prevent the permanent scarring due to the acne. The treatment can be with injection of corticosteroid, medications such as accutane and even a surgical incision may be required depending upon the severity of one's condition.

Acne treatments require your patience, as it is a time consuming process. You should be well-informed regarding the various treatments available. Any mistake on your part can make your acne stay longer.

Adult acne care will be quite different to the acne care for adolescents, because the hormones going through the bodies of adults are different from the adolescents. In most cases, the acne that appears during one's puberty, seem to disappear after some time automatically with the body being gradually accustomed to the hormonal changes.

Various other treatments

Benzoyl Peroxide is the most common of all the acne treatments. It diminishes the activity of the sebaceous glands and helps to unplug the blocked pores of the skin.

Vitamin A derivatives, retinoids are effective in the cure of white heads, black heads ad comedonal acne. They remove the clogged material in the hair follicle and increase the turn over of the skin cells causing the disappearance of the spots.

There are also acne treatments available, which are prescribed by doctors.

Some over the counter acne treatments can be bought from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. However, if you have severe acne, then this should not be your choice for treating your acne.

Natural acne treatment requires you to maintain a clean diet and exercise regularly. There is indeed a reduction in acne breakouts if the intake of fatty and oily foods is considerably lowered or avoided altogether. You should actually treat the causes of acne for treating your acne.

Acne can also be treated by a chemical peel procedure which removes the top layer of the skin to get rid of the acne spots.

Laser acne treatment is a successful one. Though it is mainly used for the treatment of acne scars. Lasers are effective for treating superficial acne. In this case, high-energy light is used to vaporize the skin's topmost layer, thus removing the scars caused by acne.

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Not Just For Teens - Does Your Baby Or Toddler Suffer From Acne?

Did you know that even babies get acne, not just teens?

Acne is associated with teenagers, but that is not the only age group that can have skin problems. Babies, young people, and adults can all suffer from bouts with annoying acne. Until recently, few people thought babies could have acne and believe the skin problems were rashes, but facts have proven otherwise.

Blemishes which appear to be acne can appear on a newborn or infant. If this happens to your child, do not panic. In fact, it is quite common for acne-like blemishes to appear on babies and these usually go away quickly without resorting to medications or visits to the doctor.

Frequently newborn babies get acne breakouts which are caused by the oil which is naturally present on the skin getting trapped in hair follicles. Often, these bumps appear on the cheeks but can be seen also on the forehead or chin also.

But what should you do if your newborn has acne bumps appearing?

Basically, you simply need to continue bathing and caring for the tender skin just as normal. Use a clean, soft cloth each time you bathe or wash the baby's body or face. Also, select soaps and cleansing products that are especially made for babies and are also hypoallergenic.

You will probably see rapid improvement in the acne. However, if you do not see improvement or should the blemishes become worse, change soaps or baby wash products. If that doesn't quickly take care of the problem, then you should discuss the acne with your baby's doctor.

Teen Acne

Any one, of any age, can have an acne blemish appear from time to time. Problematic acne, however, usually begins around the time a young person reaches puberty. While teens are going through the changes associated with adolescence, acne appears and results in their agonizing over every blemish every day.

Teen acne is not the end of the world; it only seems that way to the teen with the blemishes. Acne, when severe or not treated properly, can impact self esteem. It is very important that a teen become educated about acne and how to fight it from a reliable source: YOU! Otherwise, they may try anything and everything, much of which may actually make the acne worse.

For example, your teen may be told that chocolate or oily food causes acne. This is not true; it is an old wives tale. The oily face, neck, back, and arms appear because of the natural increase in body oil production which comes at puberty. Then, when oil becomes trapped in pores, acne blemishes are the result.

Another acne misconception is that a person with blemishes does not clean their skin well. However, it is true that too much washing of tender facial skin can irritate the existing blemishes and cause more acne to form as oil becomes trapped in pores from over-scrubbing.

Acne Prevention and Treatment

Total prevention of acne is, in most cases, simply impossible. However, proper skin care can reduce the acne outbreaks. Teach your child early in life to gently wash their face twice each day with a soft washcloth, warm water, and a mild hypoallergenic facial cleansing product or soap.

Take the time to teach you daughter, or son if he is agonizing over blemishes, how to apply concealer properly, choosing only noncomedogenic products which will not clog pores and cause acne. Also, teach your teens that failure to remove any makeup completely before going to bed is just asking for acne blemishes. Teach your children not to pop acne bumps because that can really make things worse and result in scarring.

As a first line of defense, help your child select over-the-counter (OTC) acne treatment products which contain benzoyl peroxide. These products are quite effective in controlling mild to moderate acne problems. Check the listing of ingredients and compare products available because generic brands may have exactly the same ingredients as more expensive brands. Choose a product that contains the highest quantity of benzoyl peroxide.

When using any new skin product, be sure to do a patch test by applying a dab under the jaw or other area that is not conspicuous, and wait 24 hours to ensure there is no allergic reaction to the product.

After beginning acne treatment with an OTC product, use the product as instructed for four to six weeks. If there has been no improvement in the acne problem, you should take your son or daughter to their doctor or a dermatologist. These health care practitioners can prescribe acne treatments that are much stronger than those available over the counter.

Acne outbreaks in children and teens can really upset them emotionally at this sensitive time in life. You want to provide a strong emotional support network for your offspring and help your child survive the acne outbreak without allowing the social stigma to cause them sleepless nights and other stress-related problems.

If you, your child, or your teen experiences acne problems, it is important to begin treating the acne blemishes promptly. If allowed to become infect, acne blemishes can leave permanent scars, but if treated this does not have to become a life-long problem.

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Acne - Not Just For Your Face

When people think of acne, they typically think of a person with an outbreak of red, inflamed pores on his or her face. While this is the most common form, it is not the only type of acne people may experience.

A variety of causes can create acne on different areas of the body. As long as pores and hair follicles become clogged with oil, dirt, dust, and other outside particles, they can become irritated, inflamed, and close up, entrapping the particles and causing eruptions or rashes of blackheads and other inflamed cysts.

If you happen to find acne like symptoms on areas other than your face and other typical areas you may find acne, do not panic. You may just be experiencing a different type of acne. Check the location of this unexpected acne outbreak and try to figure out the reason behind its appearance. You can always ask the opinion of a dermatologist and find the appropriate ways of halting the formulation of the acne by means of preventative measures or begin taking medication to aid in eliminating your acne.

Acne vulgaris is the most common form of acne. It is often experienced during puberty because of fluctuating hormone levels. Acne that appears is usually on the face and can spread to areas around the shoulders, chest, and sometimes the back. Though the reason for the acne is internal and not a great deal can be done, you can lessen outbreaks by keeping clean, eating right, getting exercise, and using medication as necessary.

Acne rosacea appears as a red rash that occurs primarily on the face. While the cause of this form is
unknown, you can try to ease it by using gentle cleansers and sometimes medication can be prescribed.

Acne keloidalis nuchae is caused by shaving. A close shave can leave follicles open, irritated, and more susceptible to outside elements. Men can get this form of acne on their faces and women may find it on their legs and occasionally in their armpits. People commonly refer to this type of acne as razor bumps.

Acne conglobata is if you find recurring abscesses around your groin, buttocks, underarms, and for women, under the breasts, you may have this type of acne.

Sweat glands and hair follicles in these areas have become inflamed, leading to uncomfortable sores. Keep these areas clean and use gentle cleansers that do not clog pores. You may require medication also.

Acne cosmetica is if you are experiencing acne but are past puberty, do not have any other reasons for hormonal changes, eat right and keep clean, the cause behind this acne is the cosmetics you use. They are getting into your pores and clogging them up, leading to acne. Always be sure to wash your cosmetics off once you do not need them on any longer, and you would do well to switch to different cosmetics altogether.

Acne fulminans is an extreme form of acne conglobata. Seek help from your dermatologist in order to find more aggressive ways of combating this form of acne.

Acne medicamentosa. Medications these days have all sorts of side effects. In this case, some medications may cause acne. Because your body adjusts to the medication, even beginning or ending taking a medication can affect your body and lead to acne. Check with a doctor or consult the information about a particular medication if you believe it may be the reason for your acne.

Baby acne. If you are not the one with acne, but have seen a rash on the skin of your baby, either on his or her cheeks, chin, or forehead, do not worry too much, as it is only a mild form of acne that some infants may get. It should clear up on its own, but if you are still concerned, consult your pediatrician.

Chloracne. Being in a position that exposes you to chlorinated hydrocarbons can cause a rash like form of acne. Dioxins or PCBs are good examples of chlorinated hydrocarbons, so if you deal with these two components, you may also be experiencing related acne.

The best way to rid yourself of this form is to stop dealing with chlorinated hydrocarbons. If the acne does not clear up on its own, you can opt for medication, but it make take some time to disappear.

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Know Your Type Of Acne

While it is bad enough that acne is such a common problem, it is perhaps worse that there are so many different kinds of acne. You are probably familiar with some of the commoner varieties of acne, such as acne rosacea or acne vulgaris, even if you have never suffered from either of them.

But when you are really looking at effective remedies for acne, it helps to know enough about your condition to be able to target your problem specifically. So let us take a look at the different kinds of acne and see what we are actually dealing with here.

Exploring the acne spectrum. Broadly speaking, let us start with adult acne, which can be caused by a diverse range of factors, such as hormonal imbalances, pollutants, elements related to stress and responses to medications of different kinds.

These are just a few of the many causes of adult acne. Research has indicated that there may be a definite link between hormonal disturbances and the eruption of acne in women between the ages of 30 and 60 years.

Next on the list is Acne Cosmetic, which as the name suggests, is related to the kind of cosmetics you may have used which perhaps did not agree with your skin. In this kind of acne, your skin and pores have reacted adversely to various ingredients contained in your cosmetics.

Then there is Acne Congoblata, which is normally caused by hereditary factors. This kind of acne causes severe scarring on the face and back. Worse still, there is not very much that you can do about it.

Acne Detergens, as is evident from the name, is caused by the irritant effect of soaps and cleansers on the skin.

Acne Excoriee is the direct result of acne sufferers picking at the pimples on their faces and bodies. This is one of the worst things that anyone suffering from acne can do.

Then there is Acne Fulminans, a rather serious form of acne, in which the eruption is accompanied by fever and body ache. This kind of acne mainly affects males and erupts suddenly. Other symptoms of this kind of acne include a high white blood cell count, as well as loss of appetite and deep scarring.

You may have had enough by now, but unfortunately, there is more as this ghastly list goes on and on.

Acne Keloidalis is generally found among people of African stock. Most of the eruption in this kind of acne is concentrated around the neck.

Acne Mallorca is the result of too much exposure to the sun.

Acne mechanica is caused by friction between bare skin and different materials such as clothing, bag straps etc.

Acne Medicametosa occurs as a side effect of some medications. These include oral contraceptives, as well as other drugs that contain potassium iodide, potassium bromide and chlorine.

Acne Neonatorium is also commonly known as baby acne. It is caused by the transfer of hormones from mother to child, which stimulates the secretion of sebum in baby skin.

Last on the list is Acne Pomade, so called because it is brought about by the use of oils found in hair care products. What happens here is that this oil is transferred from the hair to the forehead, where it ultimately irritates the skin and clogs pores, causing acne to develop.

Generally speaking, it is a good idea to avoid touching your face in any case, and particularly if you are suffering from acne.

Now that you know the whole sordid tale, you will be in a better position to judge which kind of acne you have and take appropriate precautions. Before you recoil in horror at the different kinds of acne you are up against, remember that you only need to identify the one that concerns you.

Do not forget that you can look to your doctor or your dermatologist, perhaps both, for guidance on how to tackle your problem. It is not as bad as it looks, so do cheer up!

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Stop Your Acne In Its Tracks

During my career as a registered nurse, I learned a lot through the years about acne, acne scars, and acne treatments. Natural treatment methods are always a better choice for acne due to less exposure to drugs and chemical-laden acne products. By their mid-teens, nearly 35% of teenagers have acne severe enough to require some treatment from a medical professional.

While almost all young people experience acne at least once, it has been reported that 47% of those in their 20s and 30% of those in their 30s had acne. Acne is most common in teenagers and young adults. Acne is the most common skin disease.

Acne rosacea is a red rash predominantly on the face. The most common type of acne is acne vulgaris. The cause of acne is really unknown. It's not true that dirty skin and stress cause acne. Understanding that hormones may have some influence on the cause of acne needs to be considered.

For a good acne treatment, that has worked for many, try applying virgin coconut oil daily, but on a small test area first. You want to avoid squeezing, pinching, or picking your pimples because it can cause scars or dark spots on the skin. One good natural method is to apply a thin layer of coconut oil and massage it deep into the skin to heal and soothe it. Try not to touch your skin to eliminate possible contamination.

It's easy to treat acne cheaply, simply, naturally, yet effective, at home. Raw apple cider vinegar application is a cheap, alternative acne treatment that has worked for many adults, teens and children with acne, zits, pimples, or blemishes. Coconut oil is very inexpensive, therefore, a good, cheap home remedy.

A number of treatments are currently available to remove or improve acne scars. Acne scars result from increased tissue formation, response to the inflammation of acne and loss of tissue. Healed acne leaves scars in some people however, and it isn't easy to predict who will end up with scars after an acne outbreak and who won't.

The liver sluffs off toxins from bad foods, drinks, drugs and chemicals and sends them through your skin resulting in skin eruptions, acne, pimples and other skin disorders. In any case, no matter what skin or acne treatment you choose, whether it is chemical, drugs, alternative, or natural methods, changing your diet will result in your overall good health! Drink lots and lots of pure, filtered water.

Some alternative doctors recommend eating raw cloves of garlic daily for acne. Eat high-fiber snacks like raw nuts, raw seeds, and dried fruit, such as dates, and figs. Consider taking cod liver oil or fish oil supplements every day. Eat at least one organic apple with the skin on every day.

Unclean skin favors the development of pathogenic organisms - the dead cells that continually slough off of the epidermis mix with the secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands and the dust found on the skin to form a filthy layer on its surface. Many skin conditions can be converted into healthy skin using natural home remedies.

Pick two or three home remedies or natural treatments and try them out on your skin carefully. With cheap, safe, simple, natural, effective, alternative home treatments for acne and pimples, your skin should be well on its way to recovery. And you should be able to get rid of your acne, zits and pimples and their symptoms, providing you've removed the cause, so it doesn't reoccur.

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Best Acne Skin Care Solutions For You

During my career as a registered nurse, I learned a lot over the years about acne, acne scars, and acne treatments. Almost 100% of people between the ages of twelve and seventeen have at least occasional breakouts of whiteheads, blackheads or a pimple, now and then. Natural treatment methods are always a better choice for acne due to less exposure to drugs and chemical-laden acne products.

For most people, acne goes away by age 30, but people in their forties and fifties still get acne. Baby acne is a rash seen on the cheeks, chin, and forehead of infants. Acne is most common in teenagers and young adults. There are several different types of acne. Nearly 80 percent of people from ages 11 to 30 years have acne, most often on the face, chest and back.

Acne, zits, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and many other skin disorders are usually, but not always, the result of a bad diet. I think the cause of acne is related to our Standard American Diet (SAD) and that would also influence all our hormones.

The liver sluffs off toxins from bad foods, drinks, drugs and chemicals and sends them through your skin resulting in skin eruptions, acne, pimples and other skin disorders. Scientists are looking at ways to prevent plugs and ways to stop testosterone from causing acne, if it truly does.

One helpful remedy seems to be to use ice to reduce the swelling caused by inflamed pimples: rub it over the blemishes for 2-3 minutes. If you're going to buy acne products, it's much more worth your while to buy acne-treating products that work against current pimples and that also fight against the occurrence of new ones. Coconut is one of the best treatments I've found for acne.

Skin care acne treatment is one of the most misunderstood topics there is when it comes to acne skin care. Treatment with raw apple cider vinegar will work better on your skin if it isn't already noticeably irritated from acne medicines, acne products or other failed treatment.

Coconut oil is very inexpensive, therefore, a good, cheap home remedy. Never underestimate the healing, restorative power of a good night's sleep.

Acne scars result from increased tissue formation, response to the inflammation of acne and loss of tissue. Whether acne scarring is deep or superficial, extensive or scattered, the end result can be less than desirable and even disturbing. The type and depth of acne scars influences the choice of treatment.

People with skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, and psoriasis often suffer from constipation. When you change your diet, your lesions should be getting better within 30 days. Some alternative doctors recommend eating raw cloves of garlic daily for acne.

Fatty acids are particularly important to people with dry skin. Consider taking cod liver oil or fish oil supplements every day. Use flaxseed oil or walnut oil in your salad.

Many skin conditions can be converted into healthy skin using natural home remedies. The skin is subject to constant attack from without, so can be affected by numerous conditions, diseases and ailments.

With cheap, safe, simple, natural, effective, alternative home treatments for acne and pimples, your skin should be well on its way to recovery. Analyze all the acne treatments available and make the best decision for you, based on your circumstances. Pick 2-3 home remedies or natural treatments and try them out on your skin carefully.

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Do You Know Which Is The Best Acne Treatment For You?

Do you wish that there was just one treatment that you could use to clear up your acne?

Whether you're a teen or an adult, if you battled acne you've gone through countless medicines looking for the best acne treatment. An inflammatory skin eruption that most commonly affects the neck, face, shoulders, and upper back, acne is perhaps the single most common skin affliction, and there are thousands of acne treatment products claiming to be the best.

But in truth, there are any number of acne medicines, soaps, creams and gels that could work for you - the best acne treatment for one person may be not the solution for someone else. This is because everyone's skin is different, as is the degree and cause of their acne. The best acne treatment for you could be an inexpensive, over-the-counter acne medicine with an alpha hydroxy formula, or one with salicylic acid. Or you might find that those do nothing to help your skin problems, and instead need a more expensive acne treatment program like Proactiv, or a more powerful, doctor-prescribed acne medicine like Accutane. It's usually only through trial and error that you'll find the acne product that works best for you.

When shopping for acne treatments, you should also consider the possible level of toxicity in the products you choose, which may cause health risks down the line. For that reason, many acne sufferers rely on natural remedies that have a lower risk of complications from their ingredients, and there are such a wide variety of natural products on the market, you may find that one of them is the best acne treatment for your skin.

One of the most popular natural acne treatments is Australian tea tree oil. This anti-bacterial, anti-fungal remedy has been used for centuries to treat athletes foot, body odor, bad breath, cold sores and acne. It's a strong substance, so adding just a few drops to a cotton ball then applying it to the affected area can help treat individual blemishes - this is not, however, a treatment for large patches of skin or your face, as tea tree oil is very drying. You can purchase bottles of tea tree oil online, at natural food stores and in some drugstores, and there are a number of acne products that use tea tree oil as a primary ingredient, such as The Body Shop's line of tea tree oil cleansers, toners and spot treatments, Skin Medica's line of toners and cleansers with tea tree oil, the 'Blemish Touch Stick' from Desert Essence, and Murad's acne treatment gels.

If you find that tea tree oil works as an acne treatment for you, find a line of products that you like and stick with it. Start with an antibacterial foaming cleanser - harsh exfoliating products will only irritate your skin and exacerbate your acne - follow it with a good astringent or toner, and then use an oil-free moisturizer, preferably one designed for problem skin. Philosophy's 'Hope in a Bottle' is one such acne product, designed specifically as an anti-acne, anti-aging formula by combining anti-bacterial ingredients with skin-soothing Vitamin E. Many companies like Murad, Dermatologica and Neutrogena sell moisturizers and spot acne treatments that work with a full line of acne products.

Adult acne is very common - in fact, 50 percent of adult women have it, as do 25 percent of men. Most adult acne can be easily treated to prevent breakouts, with the best acne treatment being a good regimen of cleansing followed by benzoyl peroxide directly on blemishes. In more severe cases, acne can be cured by retinoidal acne lotions like isotretinoin or by a hormonal treatment - usually drospirenone and cyproterone - under a doctor's supervision.

Dietary supplements containing antioxidants, vitamins, collagen and herbal extracts can be very beneficial to the skin and speed up recovery from severe breakouts. Talk to your dermatologist, and don't give up if the first acne medicine or treatment you try doesn't have satisfactory results - it may take awhile to find the best acne treatment for you.

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Nurse's Best Acne Skin Care Tips And Treatments

Acne is caused by the clogging of the follicle of a skin gland causing a pimple to grow. While it is easy to find acne treatments, finding the just the right treatment or treatment product for you is what is important. Living with acne can be very difficult, and even more difficult to find the right acne treatment for you.

Acne will affect almost every person at some stage of their life. For most people, acne goes away by age 30, but people in their forties and fifties still get acne. There are several different types of acne. Acne is a group of skin rashes that have different causes. Acne rosacea is a red rash predominantly on the face.

It's not true that dirty skin and stress cause acne. As time goes by, more research may help determine just how male and female hormones influence acne and the role diet plays. The liver sluffs off toxins from bad foods, drinks, drugs and chemicals and sends them through your skin resulting in skin eruptions, acne, pimples and other skin disorders. There is still much to be learned about what causes acne.

You want to avoid squeezing, pinching, or picking your pimples because it can cause scars or dark spots on the skin. Use baking soda carefully as an exfoliator. It's always best to seek non-invasive treatment for any skin condition.

If you're going to buy acne products, it's much more worth your while to buy acne-treating products that work against current pimples and that also fight against the occurrence of new ones. Skin care acne treatment is one of the most misunderstood topics there is when it comes to acne skin care.

A skin specialist in New York is now using a combination of red light and blue light therapy to treat severe cases of acne successfully. You want to be good to your skin and never pop or squeeze a pimple no matter how tempting.

As a registered nurse, I have learned a lot over the years about acne scars, acne scar treatments and acne scar removal. Scars may also contribute to a person looking older than their age as the skin loses its elasticity over the years. Acne scars are an ongoing
reminder of a common skin condition that can cause embarrassment and social isolation.

Essential fatty acids are particularly important to people with inflammatory conditions such as eczema and acne. In any case, no matter what skin or acne treatment you choose, whether it is chemical, drugs, alternative, or natural methods, changing your diet will result in your overall good health!

Whether you eat a natural diet with living fruits and
vegetables or eat dead junk food, what you eat may have a direct or indirect affect on the male hormones which may play a part in acne.

Besides external acne treatment it's best to work from the inside out too. Good skin is often a reflection of a good digestive system. You want to help the skin from the inside out too. Eat high-fiber snacks like raw nuts, raw seeds, and dried fruit, such as dates, and figs.

The skin is subject to constant attack from without, so can be affected by numerous conditions, diseases and ailments. Sunlight, water and air play an important role in keeping the skin healthy.

And whatever you do stop purchasing hundreds of dollars in skin care acne treatment solutions. With cheap, safe, simple, natural, effective, alternative home treatments for acne and pimples, your skin should be well on its way to recovery. You should see the results of your acne home treatment remedies with improved skin within just a few days.

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Acne Myths: The Truth About 7 Acne Myths

Acne myths: Don't believe everything they say about acne.

For several years I struggled with acne it was around the ago of seventeen and twenty However I wished to get more information about acne myths. For example is it really true that you can get acne from eating a bar of chocolate each day? Can I help acne with washing my skin more? Stress causes acne?
And I'm sure you find this the funniest one. You can get ride of acne by having sex or masturbating. Bullshit or not? You will find the answers to your question here in these article.
7 Acne myths and the truth about them.

Myth 1: Will I get acne by eating chocolate and fat food?

Eating chocolate and fat foot can make you fat, very fat and it's not healthy at all.
But acne is not caused by eating chocolate, fat food or sugar.
Research and studies found out that acne is not primarily linked to these products

Myth 2: Is washing your face a good way to prevent acne?

You need to wash your face at least twice a day for medical reasons.
Acne is not caused by poor hygiene. It may surprise you but don't believe it.
In fact washing your face to often can make your acne worse?
I would recommend to wash your face twice a day in the morning in the evening, not more.
Don't forget to past dry it and to use a appropriate acne treatment?

Myth 3: Acne is only something for teenagers.

Yes it's true most people who have or start having acne are in their early teens.
But the truth is anyone can get acne. Also your genes plays a roll probably you mother and father or grandparents had acne it's a change you will get it too. Even babies can get acne.

Myth 4: Does stress causes acne?

This is a common mistake if you have stress there is a chance you will get Acne urticata.
Acne urticata is a form of eczema so not really acne in the real meaning of the word.
However this myth is true you can get acne or more acne if you have stress.
Stress is a part of the modern human life so it's almost impossible to ban it from your life.
Try to get a healthy life, a balanced diet and a good night's rest. And be careful with drugs to prevent stress they can consider acne as well.

Myth 5: Can sex and masturbation lead to acne?

I think this myth is from the same people who said you can become deaf by having sex or masturbating. If you reach puberty your body experiences hormonal changes. True these changes you can get acne but it's not related to your sexual activity.

Myth 6: Squeezing out my pimples is a good idea?

Don't do it, squeezing out the pimple can damage the cells under your skin.
The cells under your pimples can be inflamed or even worse leave a permanent scar.

Myth 7: Where can I get acne? Is it only on my face?

The most common place where you can get acne is your face.
But you can get acne on any part of the body. On your arms, legs or on your back are also common forms where you can get it.

As you can see not everything they tell you about acne is true.
I hope this acne myth article gave you an answer of your most burning questions about it.
Of course there is a lot more to know about it, so don't forget to do your own research

Frederik blogs about acne, a blog with well researched information about acne. The facts are not based on his own opinion but on several hours of research. In his blog he describes a technique how to become acne free in three days without the help of drugs or expensive products.

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Finding The Perfect Acne Treatment For You

Acne is caused by the clogging of the follicle of a skin gland causing a pimple to grow. There are times when one has to think about alternative, natural, effective treatment methods to get the best cure or solution to their acne, zits, pimples and blackhead problems.

Natural treatment methods are always a better choice for acne due to less exposure to drugs and chemical-laden acne products.

Several factors have been suggested to influence acne including diet, menstruation, sweating, UV radiation, stress, and occupation. Acne is one of most common skin conditions in the world, affecting more than 40 million people. The most common type of acne is acne vulgaris.

Baby acne is a rash seen on the cheeks, chin, and forehead of infants. While almost all young people experience acne at least once, it has been reported that 47% of those in their 20s and 30% of those in their 30s had acne.

The cause of acne is really unknown. Scientists are looking at ways to prevent plugs and ways to stop testosterone from causing acne, if it truly does.

The liver sluffs off toxins from bad foods, drinks, drugs and chemicals and sends them through your skin resulting in skin eruptions, acne, pimples and other skin disorders.

I think the cause of acne is related to our Standard American Diet (SAD) and that would also influence all our hormones.

It's always best to seek non-invasive treatment for any skin condition. Coconut oil is very inexpensive, therefore, a good, cheap home remedy.

Drinking pure, filtered water may be the best acne treatment working from the inside out. Never underestimate the healing, restorative power of a good night's sleep.

Popping pimples can cause infection and scarring. You want to be good to your skin and never pop or squeeze a pimple no matter how tempting. It's easy to treat acne cheaply, simply, naturally, yet effective, at home.

Healed acne leaves scars in some people however, and it isn't easy to predict who will end up with scars after an acne outbreak and who won't. As a registered nurse, I have learned a lot over the years about acne scars, acne scar treatments, and acne scar removal.

Acne is not a serious health threat but, it can cause scars.

Whether you eat a natural diet with living fruits and vegetables or eat dead junk food, what you eat may have a direct or indirect affect on the male hormones which may play a part in acne.

Drink lots and lots of pure, filtered water. Essential fatty acids are particularly important to people with inflammatory conditions such as eczema and acne. Besides external acne treatment it's best to work from the inside out too.

Use flaxseed oil or walnut oil in your salad. For an easy fiber boost, mix in 2 tablespoons of ground up flaxseeds in raw applesauce, from 2-3 apples, made in your food processor. You do want to help the skin from the inside out too.

The skin must be regularly cleaned or it'll become cracked or inflamed. The skin supports its own ecosystems of microorganisms, including yeasts and bacteria, which cannot be removed by any amount of cleaning.

And you should be able to get rid of your acne, zits and pimples and their symptoms, providing you've removed the cause, so it doesn't reoccur. Analyze all the acne treatments available and make the best decision for you, based on your circumstances.In any case, try not to panic about your acne and take it day by day.

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Your Quick Guide To Acne Facts, Tips And Treatments

You can do it -- look better, feel better, and raise your self-esteem 150% by getting rid of your acne for good. Almost 100% of people between the ages of twelve and seventeen have at least occasional breakouts of whiteheads, blackheads or a pimple, now and then. Natural treatment methods are always a better choice for acne due to less exposure to drugs and chemical-laden acne products.

Baby acne is a rash seen on the cheeks, chin, and forehead of infants. Acne vulgaris is most commonly experienced around puberty, typically of the face, shoulders and chest. Acne will affect almost every person at some stage of their life. Nearly 80 percent of people from ages 11 to 30 years have acne, most often on the face, chest and back. In a survey conducted in Great Britain, 95% of 16-year-old males and 83% of 16 year-old females had acne.

The cause of acne is really unknown. It's not true that dirty skin and stress cause acne. Doctors think certain factors might cause or contribute to acne including hormone increases in teenage years, hormone changes in pregnancy, starting or stopping birth control pills, heredity, medicines and greasy make-up. I think the cause of acne is related to our Standard American Diet (SAD) and that would also influence all our hormones.

It's easy to treat acne cheaply, simply, naturally, yet effective, at home. If you're going to buy acne products, it's much more worth your while to buy acne-treating products that work against current pimples and that also fight against the occurrence of new ones.

Coconut is one of the best treatments I've found for acne. Raw apple cider vinegar application is a cheap, alternative acne treatment that has worked for many adults, teens and children with acne, zits, pimples, or blemishes.

One treatment method some people have used is applying cornstarch, egg whites or milk of magnesia as a facial mask. For a good acne treatment, that has worked for many, try applying virgin coconut oil daily, but on a small test area first. A new treatment using red light and blue light has been extremely successful on severe acne.

Acne scars are an ongoing reminder of a common skin condition that can cause embarrassment and social isolation. Scars may also contribute to a person looking older than their age as the skin loses its elasticity over the years. As a registered nurse, I have learned a lot over the years about acne scars, acne scar treatments, and acne scar removal.

People with skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, and psoriasis often suffer from constipation. Drink lots and lots of pure, filtered water. In any case, no matter what skin or acne treatment you choose, whether it is chemical, drugs, alternative, or natural methods, changing your diet will result in your overall good health! Essential fatty acids are particularly important to people with inflammatory conditions such as eczema and acne.

And fatty acids are particularly important to people with dry skin. Good skin is often a reflection of a good digestive system. Eat high-fiber snacks like raw nuts, raw seeds, and dried fruit, such as dates, and figs.

Unclean skin favors the development of pathogenic organisms - the dead cells that continually slough off of the epidermis mix with the secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands and the dust found on the skin to form a filthy layer on its surface. The skin must be regularly cleaned or it'll become cracked or inflamed.

And whatever you do stop purchasing hundreds of dollars in skin care acne treatment solutions. By simply following a plan you've developed for yourself and sticking with it, you can reduce the severity of your acne or even eliminate it entirely. In any case, try not to panic about your acne and take it day by day.

For more information on natural treatments for acne and acne light therapy, go to Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in acne, pimples and skin disorders with tips, advice and resources for adults, teens, and babies, including information on acne scar treatments

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Severe Acne Remedies- The Past, Present And Future Are All Looking Clearer

By Tim Gorman
Expert Author Tim Gorman

There are four types of severe acne, they are acne conglobata, acne fulminans, gram negative folliculitis, and nodulocystic acne. And each has the potential to create emotional turmoil and unparralleled social anxiety in the lives of it's sufferers. Severe acne can not only be physical disfiguring, but years of treatment are almost a given. That is until Accutane came along. In the world of severe acne remedies, Accutane, which features the active ingredient isotretinoin, burst onto the scene of severe acne remedies in the eighties and has gone on to receive acclaim as the only drug with the ability to permanently curtail the onset of acne outbreaks after only one treatment.

According to a series of 2006 studies, the highly effective Accutane and Roaccutane, another of the severe acne remedies featuring isotretinoin as an active ingredient, have resulted in the long-term remission of acne in eighty-five of it's patients. And as the experts tell it, no drug for severe acne has demonstrated the promise of Accutane. But Accutane's introduction to the World of Severe Acne Remedies was a long time coming, there's a long history of failed innovation in the realm of acne drugs that precedes the massive success of Accutane.

The History of Severe Acne Remedies

Acne is as old as civilization, so it didn't take long before the ancient Romans caught on the fact that this red, irritating skin disorder with a tendency to pop (literally) on the skin when it was the least desired was going to be a really canker sore. Just check out De Medicinia by Roman writer Celsus. The scholar extensively chronicled acne from a societal view. For the Romans, the ultimate treatment for severe acne was a hot bath. Without much to work with, Ancient Rome was stuck with mineral water rich in sulfur as an acne treatment. The entrance of the nineteenth century brought with it the dermatologist-and not a bit more knowledge on how to go about creating a list of severe acne remedies. Instead of baths, dematologists of the 1800's were anxious to use sulphur as an acne treatment.

While the flappers were setting the streets on fire during the roaring 1920's, benzoyl peroxide was introduced as one of the first widely successful severe acne remedies. A success that has followed it chemical into the twenty-first century. Benzoyl peroxide is placed over the acne effected area in the form of either a gel or a cream. After invoking some initial dryness and irritation, benzoyl peroxide begins to take over as a peeling agent and works as antibiotic.

The 1950's marked the introduction of antibiotics-well, the first time that they were made readily available at least. Almost instantly the connection was made between antibacterial medications and their possible role as one of the successful severe acne remedies. Acne antibiotics were first taken orally, before later making the upgrade to topical creams. The sixties was a decade that would be remembered for change, and the changes in severe acne remedies would pave the way for the great strides of the Accutane era. During this period, vitamin A and retin A were used as acne treatments, from this combination isotretinoin was developed-you know the rest.

While lots of the severe acne remedies of the past have fallen by the waistside, many of the most ancient methods are being re-introduced today. Perhaps the Ancient Romans were on to something when they suggested spa treatment as a remedy for acne.

The Future of Severe Acne Remedies

For years, laser surgery has been believed to diminish the presence of acne scars, but what if the same surgery could prevent the disorder from ever forming? In 2006, researchers began looking into the likelihood that laser surgery may mark the new age of remedies for severe acne. According to the experts, the lasers may work in three ways, beginning by burning the follicle gland. The sebaceous gland is the biological producer of oil. Laser surgery may be able to treat acne by burning the gland.

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Acne Home Treatment - Don't Waste Money on Expensive Acne Products

Do you know that if you have an acne problem, you don't have to buy expensive acne creams and cleansers to clear your face? Acne home treatment can give just as good results and it wouldn't cost you anything. Discover how you can cure your acne at home, without special acne medication.

What causes acne?

Usually, acne affects people with oily skin. Scientists are still not sure what exactly causes acne; some say it is genetic, and others argue that acne is caused by hormonal changes in a teenage body. Whatever the cause of excessive oil production is, the result is clogged pores and infection. So pimples, blackheads and whiteheads appear on your face.

Also, doctors suggest that deficiency of certain vitamins, mostly Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Pantothenic Acid can lead to acne. If your body doesn't get these vitamins for a long time this greatly affects your skin, making it look dull and causing acne.

Vitamins for home acne treatment

On the other hand, increase of certain vitamins, helps to combat acne. For example Vitamin E and Vitamin B5 are traditionally considered a good acne treatment. Vitamin A is also used to cure acne. So you first step to acne home treatment would be to make sure you get enough vitamins. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a good source of all vitamins. You can also take a multivitamin every morning.

Effective home acne treatments

Best home acne remedies are:


Cleansing your skin is very important in fighting acne. Some people think that acne is caused by dirt and poor hygiene. This is not true. However, you will need to get rid of excessive oil and bacteria on your skin. One way to do this is to buy an acne cleanser. Another way is to use lemon. Lemon cleanses your skin and provides it with Vitamin C. Just rub a piece of lemon on your face before going to bed and wash it off in the morning.

Another excellent homemade acne treatment is garlic. Apparently garlic is not only good against vampires, but against acne as well. Cut a garlic clove and apply juice directly on acne affected aria. After a few times of garlic treatment acne will disappear.

Papaya fruit is a great natural acne remedy, and unlike garlic it smells pleasantly. Mash some papaya and make a facial mask from the paste. Remove it in 10-15 minutes with a wet cloth. Papaya cures acne and also helps prevent future outbreaks.

Acne home treatment can be very effective and work as good or even better, than acne products you have to pay for. The key here is persistence. Don't expect your acne to disappear from one application of lemon or a papaya mask. Homemade treatments usually take about a week to work. But they are safe, natural and don't cost you much.

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Your Quick Guide To Acne Facts, Tips And Treatments

You can do it -- look better, feel better, and raise your self-esteem 150% by getting rid of your acne for good. Almost 100% of people between the ages of twelve and seventeen have at least occasional breakouts of whiteheads, blackheads or a pimple, now and then. Natural treatment methods are always a better choice for acne due to less exposure to drugs and chemical-laden acne products.

Baby acne is a rash seen on the cheeks, chin, and forehead of infants. Acne vulgaris is most commonly experienced around puberty, typically of the face, shoulders and chest. Acne will affect almost every person at some stage of their life. Nearly 80 percent of people from ages 11 to 30 years have acne, most often on the face, chest and back. In a survey conducted in Great Britain, 95% of 16-year-old males and 83% of 16 year-old females had acne.

The cause of acne is really unknown. It's not true that dirty skin and stress cause acne. Doctors think certain factors might cause or contribute to acne including hormone increases in teenage years, hormone changes in pregnancy, starting or stopping birth control pills, heredity, medicines and greasy make-up. I think the cause of acne is related to our Standard American Diet (SAD) and that would also influence all our hormones.

It's easy to treat acne cheaply, simply, naturally, yet effective, at home. If you're going to buy acne products, it's much more worth your while to buy acne-treating products that work against current pimples and that also fight against the occurrence of new ones.

Coconut is one of the best treatments I've found for acne. Raw apple cider vinegar application is a cheap, alternative acne treatment that has worked for many adults, teens and children with acne, zits, pimples, or blemishes.

One treatment method some people have used is applying cornstarch, egg whites or milk of magnesia as a facial mask. For a good acne treatment, that has worked for many, try applying virgin coconut oil daily, but on a small test area first. A new treatment using red light and blue light has been extremely successful on severe acne.

Acne scars are an ongoing reminder of a common skin condition that can cause embarrassment and social isolation. Scars may also contribute to a person looking older than their age as the skin loses its elasticity over the years. As a registered nurse, I have learned a lot over the years about acne scars, acne scar treatments, and acne scar removal.

People with skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, and psoriasis often suffer from constipation. Drink lots and lots of pure, filtered water. In any case, no matter what skin or acne treatment you choose, whether it is chemical, drugs, alternative, or natural methods, changing your diet will result in your overall good health! Essential fatty acids are particularly important to people with inflammatory conditions such as eczema and acne.

And fatty acids are particularly important to people with dry skin. Good skin is often a reflection of a good digestive system. Eat high-fiber snacks like raw nuts, raw seeds, and dried fruit, such as dates, and figs.

Unclean skin favors the development of pathogenic organisms - the dead cells that continually slough off of the epidermis mix with the secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands and the dust found on the skin to form a filthy layer on its surface. The skin must be regularly cleaned or it'll become cracked or inflamed.

And whatever you do stop purchasing hundreds of dollars in skin care acne treatment solutions. By simply following a plan you've developed for yourself and sticking with it, you can reduce the severity of your acne or even eliminate it entirely. In any case, try not to panic about your acne and take it day by day.

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Acne Bacteria and The Acne Environment

Contrary to popular belief, acne bacteria do not cause acne. Life long acne researcher exposes the true connection between acne bacteria and acne formation. Discover why acne is not a problem with your skin.

Propionibacterium acnes, or p acne bacteria, the bacteria we all have on our skin is an essential life form. Like all life forms it fights to survive and sustain their lives. Surprisingly, these microscopic creatures that conventional medicine taught us to believe are the cause of acne, are actually a small part of the acne puzzle and a vital player in sustaining our inner balance and the health of our skin.

Acne bacteria are not contagious and everyone has acne bacteria on their skin, regardless if the individual suffers from acne or not. Streptococcus bacteria, for example, exist in everyone's throat, but it doesn't always cause a strep throat or tonsillitis. The reason is that similar to the acne bacteria these bacteria will not trigger the formation of a strep throat (or acne in the case of the acne bacteria) unless the specific condition or the right "environment" is created.

It is important to know that as long as the acne bacteria stays in balance with your internal system, acne bacteria will "mind their own business" and will defend the body from colonization of harmful bacteria. Acne bacteria feed themselves from the secretions of our sweat and sebaceous glands, and in a balanced biological state, sustains the flexibility of our skin.

Acne is an environment that forms only when the production of sebum on the skin is excessive. This excessive production of oil is triggered mainly by hormonal imbalance.

When blood toxins (usually blood toxins that are expelled through your skin) are mixed with this over production of oil, the p.acne invades the hair follicles and starts to multiply. The P. acne multiplies by feeding themselves of the oil using enzymes. As part of this feeding process, acne bacteria produces free fatty acids that irritate the skin. The body calls the white and red blood cells to defend itself. The red and white blood cells often cause an inflammatory response, that results in the familiar symptoms of acne: swelling, pus, whiteheads, nodules and pustules.

Killing the acne bacteria using antibiotics is a fruitless and destructive approach. Taking antibiotic is destructive because it upsets the natural balance of the P.acne in our body, eradicates the good probiotic bacteria and enables the intrusion of harmful bacteria to skin. Taking antibiotics is fruitless because constant intake of antibiotics will eventually cause the p.acne to become resistant to antibiotics. It is a fruitless approach also because it doesn't stop the environment that caused the P.acne to multiply.

The only way to stop acne permanently is to neutralize the acne environment (when the bacteria multiplies and feeds on blood toxins and excessive production of oil). To stop acne, you must balance oil secretion and discharge your body from accumulated toxins and control the nutritional, hormonal, psychological and environmental triggers.

The secret for permanent clear skin is therefore, neutralizing all the factors that form the acne environment while keeping the p. acne bacteria at an optimal balance.

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How To Protect Yourself from the Harmful Side Affects of Acne

Acne is a very common disease. It is a skin condition that occurs due to the overproduction of oil by the oil glands of the skin. Acne is not a serious health threat but, it can cause scars. Acne is so common that it's considered to be a normal part of puberty. The bad news is, acne is not just an adolescent disease. Believe it or not, acne is in fact a skin disorder. Although acne can be very depressing for those that suffer from it, doctors say that most acne is completely treatable. The best way not to get acne is to prevent it.

Have you ever wondered what causes acne? There is a lot of misconception on what are the causes of Acne. The causes of acne are multifactorial and not completely understood. The causes of developing adult or teen acne may be mainly due to hormone factor, or heredity, diet factor, lack of vitamin deficiency, stress and much more. High humidity and sweat are also some of the culprits in causing acne. Some people absolutely insist that a certain food causes acne for them. But at this time, there is no evidence that chocolate, sugar, oil, milk, seafood, or any other food causes acne. Another common myth is that dirty skin causes acne; however, blackheads and other acne lesions are not caused by dirt. The causes of acne are not completely understood, however there are plenty of theories.

Many people with this chronic skin condition have no other alternative but to apply a mix of different forms of acne treatments. When your skin pores start to be clogged up with greasy, oily stuff, causing inflammation to occur, a skin condition known as acne results. It may seem almost impossible to pinpoint the correct remedy for acne. Taking extra doses of particular nutrients or other substances such as herbs can be very helpful. Sometimes acne may require treatment by a dermatologist. If your skin condition is not too severe, natural topical creams and lotions, or pills, may help to some degree.

The basic treatments for acne include using an over-the-counter medication with benzoyl peroxide, which can kill bacteria, unclog pores and heal pimples. There are many treatments for moderate acne; including creams, washes and oral medications. In conjunction with topical treatments, doctors often prescribe oral antibiotics in order to target bacteria that may make acne prone to infection. In addition, there have been developed treatments to decrease the skin's vulnerability to acne infection. Conventional treatments for acne are usually quite successful.

Acne is not a serious health threat but, it can cause scars. Don't think that because acne is common, treatment is unnecessary. The dangerous thing about acne is not because it is dangerous disease, but because of the psychological condition it brings to you. Acne is the most common skin disorder seen by doctors. Acne is a skin disease that affects more than 17 million individuals in the United States alone. Get facts and info on what acne is and what can be done about it. The first step to curing acne is knowing what type of acne you have. Don't wait, be proactive in curing your acne. Not only will getting rid of your acne help your self esteem, but it will help make you look great as well, and there's nothing better than that!

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How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast!

Causes of acne.
First of all, we're going to help you understand what causes acne and why it's not your fault. It is not certain as to what precisely causes acne or why it usually starts in adolescence, but certainly hormones especially testosterone, is almost definitely a factor.
Many people that suffer from acne are not even sure what the problem entails. A universal myth is that dirty skin causes acne; however, blackheads and other types of acne are not caused by dirt. There are so many causes of acne, including hormonal changes, genetics, and stress. Most people affected by acne are aged between 12 and 25.
Symptoms of acne.

The main symptoms of acne are whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules and sometimes cysts. The two most common types of acne are whiteheads and blackheads. Acne is skin lesions caused by the blockage of follicle ducts of sebum glands. In turn, people with acne are often advised to use harsh, drying products on the skin, which is not always the best way to go about it, as our t-zones may be oily, while other affected areas may be dry. So discover why the natural treatments for acne are your best options. Some of the home remedies to cure acne are orange, garlic, and cucumber.

It's probably the world's most common skin condition, and having sensitive skin is quite common amongst acne sufferers. The most common type of acne shows up on the face, shoulders, neck, back, and chest. The most widespread form of acne is known as "acne vulgaris", meaning "common acne". A common tendency of acne sufferers is to rub, scrub or pick their blemishes.
Have you been told that you shouldn't eat chocolate because it causes acne? At this time, there is no evidence that sugar, chocolate, oil, seafood, milk or any other food causes acne. There are a few more additional causes of adult acne.

These are: Bad cosmetics, hormones and birth control pills. High humidity and sweat are also some of the main causes of acne. However, it could just be that you over-producing sebum which in turn, blocks your pores. It's not known what causes the increased production of sebum. As a result though, the bacteria produce enzymes and chemicals which cause inflammation, leading to acne.
Remedies for you.
A remedy for acne is to take control.

A home remedy may help teens and adults who suffer from acne related issues get control of their skin problems. As the best natural remedy for treating acne is water. It will help to properly hydrate the skin. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to balance out the inner you. But to get you started straight away with a home remedy try these everyday household items that will hopefully free you from acne for fast:

1) Green tea is, by far, the most superb herbal remedy for acne ever to be discovered.

2) Lavender oil that is used for acne.

3) Strawberries/Strawberry Leaves - Used in a poultice are recommended as an herbal remedy for acne.

4) Lemon juice is a citric acid which is a part of AHAs group which is an effective home remedy for reducing the acne scars.

People who suffer from acne are desperate to get rid of this affliction. Consultations for acne are more frequent than for any other skin disease, so it's no wonder products promising to fight acne is big business.

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Acne Remedies - Which Ones Work

Acne Remedies - Which ones work? There are many home acne remedies, which can get rid of your acne problems within three days. One of the first lines of attack you should use to control acne are over-the-counter acne remedies, we will discuss that later. Now mild to moderate acne affects 3 out of every 4 teens, so most of the population never even needs severe acne remedies.

As for severe acne remedies or treatments, consult a dermatologist so that he or she can prescribe the best acne medication for the skin. Home Care Acne Remedies Although keeping your skin clean won’t cure acne, but you can improve the situation with proper cleansing methods and products: · Purchase a gentle soap or medicated cleanser and use it to wash your skin two or three times a day with lukewarm water, using your bare hands or a soft cloth. CUCUMBER: This is one of the most gentle and refreshing treatments that I have ever used and not only does it help treat acne but also refreshes the skin and leaves your skin looking and feeling younger.

Chemical Peeling: This procedure follows the same principle of removal or 'burning-out' the outer skin layer and thus can be used to treat acne and the scars or blemishes that result from acne. Laser Resurfacing: This is another new technological alternative and is believed to be effective in getting rid of acne, blemishes or scars in the face that have resulted from acne. Knowing how to lighten red acne scars with natural treatments can be helpful to those who were under the impression that a costly visit to the dermatologist was the only option.

Although there are many companies that offer herbal and natural remedies for acne the most popular treatments continue to be ointments, lotions and soaps. These natural acne remedies actually work by correcting the hormonal and chemical imbalances in the body that lead to acne flareups, persistent acne, and the more severe form, cystic acne. A well balanced diet, accompanied by some regular light exercise, are the first tools to help us bring our body back into balance, and are thus two of the best natural acne remedies around.

Home remedies are best remedies to cure acne. To deal with this condition, a number of acne patients generally will have to combine acne home remedies with prescription acne medication.

There are a lot of very good natural acne remedies [] for acne, but it is also very confusing if you do not know what you are looking for in a good herbal acne treatment. Find out more about Acne as well as Home Treatment for Acne by consulting with your family doctor.

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Adult Acne - What They Don't Tell You

Adult Acne- You're over 21. Maybe you're even over 30, 40 or 50. You got your own place. You got your own car. There's money in the bank. Maybe you have a few investments. You even got a nice guy or girl. As far as you're concerned you've doing OK.

But there's one problem. You don't really talk about it. You try to hide it. But it's difficult. After all it hits right where you're the most NAKED. It's on your face, your countenance, your visage!

What is it? It's, gasp..., ADULT ACNE!

Relax, all is not lost. There is hope. Don't despair. I'm here to help you kill the pimples, the blackheads and the blemishes.

Adult acne is curable. Let me say that again. Adult acne is curable.

There are now more adult acne treatments than ever before.

Disclaimer: consult your doctor before following or relying on any of the information in this article.


Acne is caused when your pores are blocked by dirt, dead cells, sebum and excess oil. Unfortunately about a quarter of adult men and about half of adult women are affected by acne. Teenage acne and adult acne are caused by the same issues.


Unbalanced hormones are a major additional cause of adult acne. When your hormones are raging and get out of whack as a teenager, sometimes acne results. The same holds true for adults. Therefore during pregnancy and during menopause women may be attacked by adult acne.

Another adult acne cause is drugs. Some drugs produce acne side affects. Anti epileptic, anti tuberculosis, lithium and other drugs often produce adult acne. Fortunately when you stop taking the drugs, the acne usually goes away.

Amazingly an unclean face is rarely mentioned in the literature as a cause of adult acne. For example people who wear a face mask on the job for safety and other reasons sometime contract acne.

The doctors wax on about Chronic Physical Pressure and they even have a term for it, Acne Mechanical. The obvious reason for adult acne in these cases is that the masks trap dirt and help rub that dirt into the pores. Duh, guess what happens with clogged pores? You get acne.

Therefore one rather obvious adult acne treatment is to clean your face two or three times a day or as needed.

Of course there are some work situations where the chemical environment can cause acne.


Some adults go into great despair about their acne. Of course, some teenagers do too, but they assume their acne will get better as they grow up. Acne Dysmorphia is a rare syndrome where the individual gets deeply depressed about their adult acne.

For these adults, acne is no joke. Acne Dysmorphia can make people recluses and be obsessive about finding a cure for their condition.

Fortunately this is a rare occurrence.


Adult acne can be cured. Keep your face clean. I like to gently clean my face with water and baking soda either before I retire, in the morning or both. It unclogs the pores and removes dead skin. Then apply a good moisturizer. Try it. It works.

Touching is probably one of the most often overlooked reasons for adult acne. Break the habit of putting your hands on your face! Also rubbing or bracing your chin is another common problem while thinking.

Do not rub, touch, or itch your skin with your hands. Your hands contain a lot of bacteria that can cause acne flare-ups.

Doctors say that your face is the dirtiest part of your body. Why? It's because it is the body part most exposed to the elements. Also one that is most touched by our hands.

Therefore, carry a small plastic bottle of waterless hand cleaner or sanitizer. Use it frequently during the day. If you are tempted to touch your face then such hand cleaning will reduce the possibility that adult acne is produced.


What's the best short term fix? A fix where you don't have to wait days or weeks for the cure? What about when you have that hot date or important social event? What do you do? It just so happens I have your solution. Drum roll please..., go see a licensed esthetician (person who does facials and more) like the two at my salon.

Why you say? Easy, an esthetician will professionally extract the pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. Your face will be smooth and eruption free. Pause for applause..., you'll Email me with your effusive thanks because it works. Your date will be saved and your social standing enhanced (smile).

However if you have a complex condition go the Dermatologist sooner rather than later. Don't assume you have to put up with adult acne.

Noori Daili owns Next Salon located at 2400 Main Street in Santa Monica, CA 90405. Get 15% savings by calling 310-392-6645 Now for Acne Treatments. Get more critical tips and savings on curing adult acne by Clicking Here Now ==> Acne Treatment.

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Acne Suffering

There are seven main factors behind an outbreak of facial or body acne.
Genetics: If your mom or dad had acne as a teenager, there's a good chance you will too.

Hormones: During adolescence, hormones called androgens become active and stimulate oil glands in your skin, increasing oil production. This, in turn, clogs pores, causing pimples and blackheads. Hormonal changes that occur during your period or when you start or stop taking birth control pills can also cause an acne flare-up. In some cases, however, certain birth control pills are prescribed as a treatment for acne.

Stress: Although stress doesn't actually cause acne, it will potentially aggravate this or any other skin condition you may have. Diet. Dermatologists aren't sure whether or not what we eat plays a critical role in acne. Some experts do believe, however, that food allergies can trigger acne outbreaks.

Washing your face too often. This can aggravate the skin, causing acne to occur.

Using greasy skin care products and oily cosmetics: Any product that clogs oil ducts may cause acne.

Medications: Acne can be a side effect of some drugs, including barbiturates, seizure medication and steroids

Acne Myths

Myth #1: Acne is caused by poor hygiene. If you believe this myth, and wash your skin hard and frequently, you can actually make your acne worse. Acne is not caused by dirt or surface skin oils. Although excess oils, dead skin and a day's accumulation of dust on the skin looks unsightly, they should not be removed by hand scrubbing. Vigorous washing and scrubbing will actually irritate the skin and make acne worse. The best approach to hygiene and acne: Gently wash your face twice a day with a mild soap, pat dry--and use an appropriate acne treatment for the acne.

Myth #2: Acne is caused by diet. Extensive scientific studies have not found a connection between diet and acne. In other words, food does not cause acne. Not chocolate. Not french fries. Not pizza. Nonetheless, some people insist that certain foods affect their acne. In that case, avoid those foods. Besides, eating a balanced diet always makes sense. However, according to the scientific evidence, if acne is being treated properly, there's no need to worry about food affecting the acne.

Myth #3: Acne is caused by stress. The ordinary stress of day-to-day living is not an important factor in acne. Severe stress that needs medical attention is sometimes treated with drugs that can cause acne as a side effect. If you think you may have acne related to a drug prescribed for stress or depression, you should consult your physician.

Myth #4: Acne is just a cosmetic disease. Yes, acne does affect the way people look and is not otherwise a serious threat to a person's physical health. However, acne can result in permanent physical scars--plus, acne itself as well as its scars can affect the way people feel about themselves to the point of affecting their lives.

Myth #5: You just have to let acne run its course. The truth is, acne can be cleared up. If the acne products you have tried haven't worked, consider seeing a dermatologist. With the products available today, there is no reason why someone has to endure acne or get acne scars

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Preventing and Treating Acne Scars

Physical scars are one of the most devastating effects that acne can leave behind. No matter the severity of acne, acne scarring can occur even in those suffering from the mildest form of acne. However, the more severe types of acne can leave scars that are much more visible and which can be really hard to get rid of even with the best medication.

Fortunately, the good news is that there are things you can do to treat and in many cases even prevent acne scars. For instance, you can avoid acne scars from forming by properly cleansing your skin and stopping popping zits. This does not mean scars won't develop but at least you'll have the possibility of avoiding them. For people suffering of severe types of acne the lesions on the skin stay for much longer periods of time than in milder forms, so acne scarring is almost inevitable in these cases. In cystic acne for instance, the nodules or cysts can stay on the skin for weeks (even months) and can leave behind very noticeable scars.

Each type of acne can leave different types of scars. So it's important to know the type of acne you have in order to treat it properly. You should also know about your skin type since treatment and scarring can both vary according to your skin type. Let's go over the different types of acne scars.

Ice pick scars are usually small, with a jagged edge. Although ice pick scars are very common, they are generally some of the easiest types of scars to treat.

Boxcar scars are angular scars. They usually affect the temple and cheeks, and can be superficial or deep. Boxcar scars are also very similar to those caused by Chickenpox.

There are also hypertrophic scars. These types of acne scars are thickened scars. Hypertrophic scars are also associated with some of the more severe types of acne.

Another type of acne scar is known as rolling scar. Rolling scars give the skin a wave-like look.

Acne scars are a very serious matter and getting rid of them is a real tough job. The best advice is to seek treatment through a physician. For many people, a certain combination of treatments turns out to give good results. But to get that right combination you need to consult a professional physician. There are key factors that will play a vital role in the success or failure of any acne treatments you use. Two of these factors include the type of scars you have and your skin type as well. Treating acne scars has been reported more successful for those on the face. On the other, treatment for those on the back and chest has given poor results.

Preventing acne from the onset is always the best thing to do in order to avoid acne scars. Prevention is always the ideal solution. However, for those who just become victims to this skin disorder, treating acne as quickly as possible after it appears can help prevent acne scars. So, a rule of thumb is to always take steps to fight and prevent acne to minimize the chance of having to deal with the formation of deep, lasting scars.

Also, as we've mentioned above, it is advisable to seek the help of a physician. This especially true when you are not sure how to best treat your acne or its scars. Note that for scars caused by severe types of acne such as cystic acne, medical attention is a must and not an option. Without this help, you won't have a chance at knowing what treatment will work best for your acne.

Having a clear understanding of your specific acne condition will help you work towards a possible solution. Your acne type, skin type and the type of scarring associated with your skin condition are three very important factors to have into account when deciding what treatment to employ.

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